12-27 Years In Prison For “Defending Himself” With A Pen?! (Here’s What You Should Know…)
Tactical pens are something a lot of us carry… but are you making these common tactical pen mistakes?
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Tactical pens are something a lot of us carry... but are you making these common tactical pen mistakes?
Shari knew that she and her brother were in danger - but her "quick-thinking" had tragic consequences!
Firearms instructors encourage their students to ask themselves questions after a shooting. But are they the RIGHT questions?
Any ONE of these 5 "laser myths" could spell D.O.O.M. if you fall for these common "gun store" advice no-no's...
Eric wasn't looking for a fight - but when he saw the woman being mercilessly beaten in front of him, he knew he had to do "something"...
There's a LOT of misinformation out there about firearms - and these 3 really make my blood boil!
You could go to prison after dialing 9-1-1 in a shooting or home invasion if you make any 1 of these 4 mistakes...
It's happened before. It will happen again. Here's how to plan now for martial law gun confiscation...

Real Street Combatives: These 4 Devastating Ground-Fighting Tactics Will DESTROY Your Attacker Fast!
You've heard that "x percent of fights go to the ground." Well, here are realistic fighting tips from an EXPERT on close-quarter combatives.
You don't need to face sinister bald geniuses to deploy these 5 "escape mods" for your vehicle...
Using martial arts techniques for self defense against multiple attackers simply won't work. But this "double-strike" technique will!
This could possibly be the sneakiest trick of all time for keeping your guns from being confiscated in a crisis!

12-27 Years In Prison For “Defending Himself” With A Pen?! (Here’s What You Should Know…)
Jeff AndersonTactical pens are something a lot of us carry… but are you making these common tactical pen mistakes?
The Deadliest Survival Traps Even Smart People Fall For When Asking, “Should I Stay Or Should I Go”
Jeff AndersonShari knew that she and her brother were in danger – but her “quick-thinking” had tragic consequences!
The One Thing You MUST Do Immediately After You Shoot In Self-Defense! (Warning: It’s Probably NOT What You Think!)
Jeff AndersonFirearms instructors encourage their students to ask themselves questions after a shooting. But are they the RIGHT questions?
Don’t Fall For These 5 Common “Laser Myths” When You Hear The So-Called “Experts” Talking Down At The Gun Store…
OxAny ONE of these 5 “laser myths” could spell D.O.O.M. if you fall for these common “gun store” advice no-no’s…
[NEWS] “Sheepdog” Steps In To Defend A Total Stranger From A Brutal Attack – Then Learns A Hard Lesson About Being A Protector!
Jeff AndersonEric wasn’t looking for a fight – but when he saw the woman being mercilessly beaten in front of him, he knew he had to do “something”…
These Are Absolutely The 3 WORST Home-Defense Shotgun Myths I’ve Even Seen The EXPERTS Fall For!
Jeff AndersonThere’s a LOT of misinformation out there about firearms – and these 3 really make my blood boil!
9-1-1 Mistakes Most Gun-Owners Don’t Know (That Could Land You In Prison!)
Jeff AndersonYou could go to prison after dialing 9-1-1 in a shooting or home invasion if you make any 1 of these 4 mistakes…
These 5 Sneaky Ways To Hide Your Guns During A “Martial Law” Scenario Are Absolutely Genius!
Jeff AndersonIt’s happened before. It will happen again. Here’s how to plan now for martial law gun confiscation…
Real Street Combatives: These 4 Devastating Ground-Fighting Tactics Will DESTROY Your Attacker Fast!
Damian RossYou’ve heard that “x percent of fights go to the ground.” Well, here are realistic fighting tips from an EXPERT on close-quarter combatives.
5 Ways To “James Bond” Your Vehicle For Urban Escape And Evasion Driving!
Jeff AndersonYou don’t need to face sinister bald geniuses to deploy these 5 “escape mods” for your vehicle…
WHO To Strike First (And How To Do It!) When Defending Against Multiple Attackers On The Street…
Jeff AndersonUsing martial arts techniques for self defense against multiple attackers simply won’t work. But this “double-strike” technique will!
This Unconventional Trick Stumps Even The Most Seasoned “Gun-Grabbers” From Taking Your Legally-Owned Firearms During A Disaster Or Other Crisis
Jeff AndersonThis could possibly be the sneakiest trick of all time for keeping your guns from being confiscated in a crisis!
What The American Public Will Never “Get” About “Eating Dogs And Cats”…
Jeff AndersonAs a prepper, I’m continuously looking for “intel” that can help me be more self-reliant and a better protector of myself and my
Fortify Your Fortress: The “3-Eyed Secret” To Creating Your Prepper Property Defense Plan!
Charley HogwoodWhen a crisis transforms everyday citizens into desperate predators, YOU are your family’s only defense! Here’s how to map out your plan step-by-step…
Do Criminals Ever Practice With Their Firearms? This FBI Study May Shock You With What They Uncovered…
Jeff AndersonThese statistics may shock you – but hopefully you’ll change your training to match the “bad guys”!
How 1 Retirement Community Mastered “Bugging Out” – And Why YOU Should Steal These 3 Secrets That Kept Them Alive…
Jeff AndersonIf you’re “older” (or have elderly parents or neighbors you look out for), one retirement community MASTERED the “art of the evac” and has something to share with you…
Make Sure You Have At Least ONE Of These Weapons In Your Vehicle (At ALL Times!)
Jeff Anderson3 “equalizers” that everyone should have in their car or truck for personal defense… none of which are a gun or a knife!
WW2 “Trench Warfare” Combatives Legend Reveals One Move To Defeat A Bigger, Stronger Attacker In A Real Fight – “Fight Like A WOMAN!”
Jeff AndersonThere’s one move that can end almost any fight no matter HOW BIG the attacker is. You might be surprised to learn that it’s a fight move intended for women. Get the details inside!
3 Badass Make-Your-Own “Ninja Weapons” You Should Add To Your Survival Arsenal
Jeff AndersonWill you be “armed for the apocalypse”?
[HOME INVASION] When Cops Arrive, Follow These 3 Tactical Home Defense Tips
Jeff AndersonI’m sure you’ve heard this before… … “when seconds count, the police are just minutes away”. In other words, if you’re ever attacked
Election 2024: A Timeline For Protecting Your Family From Violent Protests, Riots And A World Without Rule Of Law!
Jeff Anderson“Forewarned is forearmed”, and a new report reveals exactly what to look for as the threats to everyday Americans increase.
I’ll Bet Your Live-Fire Range Bag Does NOT Have These 10 Unusual Items Inside (And You’re REALLY Missing Out!)
Jeff AndersonThese may sound a little “weird” to you… but they’ll DEFINITELY “up your game”!
Why You Should Copy These 4 “Combat Survival” Secrets Of The MS-13 Gang
Jeff AndersonThe notorious MS-13 gang may have as many as 10,000 members in the United States. They are known for their ferocity, summed up in their motto, “kill, steal, rape, control.” They’re EFFECTIVE and BRUTAL… and we can learn a few things from their methods about how to survive in a dangerous world.
“Street Fight Psychology”: Bouncer-Proven Mind-Games To Make Multiple Attackers Think Twice About Messing With You!
Lee MorrisonWhat if you could make 2, 3, 4 (or more!) aggressors fear YOU in a threatening altercation? This bouncer has some tips for you…
See If You Can Find These 7 Sneaky Hidden “Spy-Cam” Spots In Your Home
Jeff AndersonHome invaders are sneaky. YOU have to be sneakier!
Reddit User Cracks “Gun Laser” Secret? (But Misses One Important Detail…)
Jeff AndersonI was looking at comments on Reddit late the other night and found one guy who’s definitely “cracked the code” when it comes to gun lasers (although he made one small mistake).
Home Invasion Story: 64 y.o. Minn. “Victim” Heads To PRISON For Home Defense Mistake?
Jeff AndersonThink you wouldn’t make these same 3 mistakes when someone’s invading your home? Think again…
The Tactics From These 3 Legendary Myamoto Musashi Duels Will Make You Virtually Invincible On The Post-Collapse Battlefield
Jeff AndersonThis legendary swordsman has some powerful lessons for you in defending during chaotic times!
Just How Effective Are Your Keys As A Self-Defense Weapon? Here’s What A Real-Life Ninja Says…
Brian SteinKeys are a common “self-defense weapon” instructors will tell you to use in a real fight – but do they really work?
6 Ways Prison-Hardened Predators “Think” About Fighting (And How To Steal Their Secrets To Destroy Any Man!)
Jermaine AndreThink you “know your enemy”? The secret to defeating a criminal who is larger, stronger, more experienced at fighting to you has less to do with technique… than how you “think” about fighting.
The Inspiring Story Of A 10 Y.O. Lost Boy And His Dad’s Genius “Bag Of Survival Tricks”
Jeff AndersonMalachi looked up and realized he didn’t know the way back to his family’s camp, and the temperature was dropping! Fortunately, dad taught him these powerful wilderness survival tricks…
3 Handgun “Stopping Power” Myths Even The Experts Fall For (And The No B.S. Truth About What It REALLY Takes To Stop An Attacker In His Tracks!)
Caleb LeeThink you know the scientific way to train for a real gunfight? These 3 common myths even “experts” get wrong cold change the way you train!
Survival Weapons Showdown: Combat Machete Vs. Multiple Attackers!
Jeff AndersonOk, this is going to sound VERY graphic, but it’s best that you face these facts now. As you already know, besides my
Multiple Attacker Street Fight Attack: 57 Y.O. NASCAR Driver vs. 3 “Parking Lot Thugs”
Jeff AndersonMike Wallace was no match for the three men … While he as relatively fit as a professional NASCAR driver, the three drunken
Most People Don’t Know This 5 Step “Grid-Down” Food Response Plan (But YOU Will…)
Jeff AndersonEveryone’s talking about food shortages these days – but if you don’t follow these 5 steps when a crisis hits, you very well could starve within a week!
The TRUTH About “Red Dot” Sights (And How To Fix The #1 Mistake Nearly Every Red Dot Shooter Makes…)
Jeff AndersonNothing has revolutionized “combat shooting” more than red-dot sights. But there’s a HUGE problem you need to fix in order to be accurate…
After 2 Failed Attempts To Fight Back, Unarmed Father Sends 3 Armed Home-Invaders Running For Their Lives With The Only Real Weapon He Could Find…
Jeff AndersonWhat’s the best home defense weapon to defeat violent home invaders? The one you can get to the fastest – and this one did the trick!
Photo Evidence The U.S. Government Can Track Your Every Move (And A “Secret Key” To Help Defeat Them)
Jeff AndersonThis picture should scare the bejeesus out of you with how easy it is to track your every step, everywhere, every day…
Is The Gurkha’s Kukri The Best Survival Fighting Machete Ever? (Maybe NOT…)
Jeff AndersonThe Gurkha’s Kukri machete is often considered the best machete for fighting. But the REAL winner for the best survival machete is revealed!
These 10 Pictures Show Just What It Takes To Win A Fight Against 3 Or More Attackers
Jeff AndersonOur readers had some tough stories about multiple attackers (and some tips and funny pics as well!)
Here’s My 10-Point “Bugout Plan Review” Of One Warrior’s Prepping Journey
Jeff AndersonJoshua and I agree on most things – but here’s where I think he should improve his bugout plan…
Navy SEAL Reveals The Top 5 “Pistol Grip Mistakes” Even Experienced Shooters Make
Chris SajnogIt may seem so “basic”, but it’s one of the top questions I get as a former Navy SEAL instructor and firearms trainer…
Uh-Oh! I Just Tested My Bugout Plan And Here’s What Worked (And What FAILED!)
Jeff AndersonI just tested my family’s bugout plan and hoooo-boy did I ever learn a few things on my trip!
Building A Concealed Carry “Capsule Wardrobe” For The Warrior Woman
Natalie StrongAre you a “Warrior Woman” who carries a concealed firearm for personal projection? Here’s how to pick the perfect outfit that screams both “chic” and “I can handle myself”
How An Accidental “Strongman” Discovery Uncovered The Secret To Developing Bone-Crushing Grip-Strength For Self-Defense And Firearms Training
Jeff AndersonCould this simple tweak to an ancient training tool really be the secret to a vice-like grip for firearms and combatives training?
X-Treme Hostage Survival Tactics (Podcast 475)
Jeff AndersonCould YOU survive being abducted… held captive for days? Weeks? Years? These “military tactics” will show you how!
Urban Escape & Evasion Tactics From A Former LA Gang Member (Podcast 474)
Marc 'Animal' MacYoungThese are the tactics you’ll need when you’re being hunted in the dark shadows of an urban battle zone!
How To Make Your Own “Secret Stash Can” To Hide Your Valuables From Criminals… Right In Plain Site!
Jeff AndersonOh, this is SUPER sneaky! (And yet oh so easy for even the non-“do-it-yourselfers” out there!)
What Does It Take To Be A “Strong” Man? [Defenders Live Roundtable]
Jeff AndersonThis roundtable discussion with a female firearms instructor, a cop, and two combat veterans is probably the WEIRDEST podcast episode we’ve EVER done!
How To Develop A “Modern Minuteman Mind-Set” For Self-Reliance And Self-Protection
Salvatore DeGennaroHere’s how to think, train, and persevere like this patriotic class of “Warriors” from the days of our forefathers!