Alain Burrese
Alain Burrese is a former 82nd Airborne infantry paratrooper and Sniper School Instructor.
But it was his actual experiences that provided the backbone for his realistic look at self-defense.
Barroom brawls, street fights, and barracks ruckuses combined with bouncing, security, and bodyguard work taught him the realities of fighting and street violence.
An author, martial arts instructor, speaker, consultant, and the creator of 7 self defense instructional DVD's, Alain's martial training also consists of Judo, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and Hapkido, including living and training in South Korea where he earned a black belt from the Korea Hapkido Federation.
He has worked as bouncer, security and bodyguard and now holds a bachelor of science degree in management from the University of Montana in Missoula , and a Juris Doctor from the University of Montana School of Law.
Additionally, Burrese is a certified fitness trainer by the International Sports Sciences Association, and a certified Specialist in Martial Arts Conditioning by the ISSA.