Just How Effective Are Your Keys As A Self-Defense Weapon? Here’s What A Real-Life Ninja Says…
Keys are a common “self-defense weapon” instructors will tell you to use in a real fight – but do they really work?
Brian Stein
Brian Stein's earliest childhood memories center around the Asian martial arts and the use of firearms. He was taught Jujutsu and Karate by his friends at a very young age and pursued his interest in firearms by becoming a member of the elite varsity rifle team in high school.
At age fifteen he began his formal martial arts training in Jujutsu, Arnis de Mano, and kickboxing, earning his first black belt and an instructor certification.
Disillusioned with the banility of conventional martial arts training, Brian was led to Ninjutsu. He apprenticed for nine years under the pioneer who brought the authentic Ninja martial arts to the Western world, becoming a founding member of his instructor's guild as well a licensed black belt instructor.
Brian opened the Brian Stein Martial Arts Center; Long Island's School for Authentic Ninja Training to everyone from children to military personnel and law enforcement officers. He coached many students from white belt to black belt and held several successful seminars.
Furthering his training and application of his combatives arts, Brian graduated from Executive Security International (ESI) and has worked as a bodyguard, loss prevention agent and a consultant.
Brian is also a researcher and practictioner of the healing arts. Besides being a long time student of Daoist and Buddhist meditation, his background includes First Respondent Medicine, Qigong, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Eriksonian Hypnosis, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Reiki, Shiatsu, and integrative nutrition.
Keys are a common “self-defense weapon” instructors will tell you to use in a real fight – but do they really work?
We’ve all heard the legend of the ancient ninja – dark “shadow warriors” who served as agents, guardians, and mercenaries. Masters of the
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