“Street Fight Psychology”: Bouncer-Proven Mind-Games To Make Multiple Attackers Think Twice About Messing With You!
What if you could make 2, 3, 4 (or more!) aggressors fear YOU in a threatening altercation? This bouncer has some tips for you…
Lee Morrison
Lee Morrison had to learn how to defend himself the HARD WAY...from being the bullied new kid at school to working some tough doors at UK night clubs. In the end, Lee was forced to abandon his "traditional" past for a never-ending journey into the science of "urban combatives" when he was attack by two men outside the Belsize Park tube station in London and learned that his traditional training wasn't sufficient for the realities of the street!
Lee's subsequent journey into finding a fighting system that would truly allow him to defend himself in a REAL street situation let to training in many different systems from such origins as Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Filipino weapon systems, Western boxing and Wrestling.
All of his newly acquired skills were put to the test when he started working as a pub and night club doorman where he dramatically escalated his "learning curve" through real defensive scenarios.
Ultimately training in Western Combatives of the great hand-to-hand combat instructors of WW2, Lee focused on areas such as the concepts of being pre-emptive, training for impact and learning all he could about the adrenal response.
All in all, Lee's path can be summed up by one of his favorite quotes...
Thirty seconds on the sidewalk is worth three years in the dojo.
What if you could make 2, 3, 4 (or more!) aggressors fear YOU in a threatening altercation? This bouncer has some tips for you…
Facing a multiple attacker self-defense scenario is one of the most life-threatening situations you could ever find yourself in. Most martial arts training however, only covers
When facing multiple attackers, your best defense is always to escape as quickly as possible, to put the danger behind you. Fighting in
Facing off against a gang of 2, 3, or more street thugs who have targeted you and your family for a violent ambush
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