Don’t Fall For These 5 Common “Laser Myths” When You Hear The So-Called “Experts” Talking Down At The Gun Store…
Any ONE of these 5 “laser myths” could spell D.O.O.M. if you fall for these common “gun store” advice no-no’s…
"Ox" is VERY tied into the alphabet agency crowd on the intel side and has worked with several representatives on joint tactical programs, such as the best selling book, Tactical Firearms Training Secrets, Dry Fire Training Cards, the Force Recon 30-10 Pistol course, and the Navy SEAL Concealed Carry Masters Course.
Also a competitive pistol shooter, avid hunter and outdoorsman, Ox is continuously sought out for advice and consulting by strategic planners at the Pentagon as well as special operations personnel from the US and allied countries and US tactical law enforcement personnel.
Any ONE of these 5 “laser myths” could spell D.O.O.M. if you fall for these common “gun store” advice no-no’s…
What the TRUTH about armed citizens stopping active shooters dead in their tracks means for your training.
Why “small” caliber weapons might be your best option for self-defense.
If you own a handgun for personal defense, I’m afraid that there’s one key factor you’re probably missing from your training – but these 3 drills will help you “level up”!
Here are some fun ways to add “simulated stress” to your dry-fire training drills to face a real threat!
An ancient symbol can actually help make you a better shooter – instantly!
It’s time to get the “secret code” to top-tier shooting… with the mad scientist of gunfight training, Mike Ox, in this week’s Warrior Life podcast.
Survival firearms are very important, but gun confiscation (gun bans) as well as looters, thieves, and government gun control schemes are a big threat. Learn how to preserve your rights and survive martial law.
All pistol grips for AR15s are NOT created equal. Learn how to pick the pistol grip that’s right for you from our firearms expert and friend, Ox.
The “square range,” or traditional shooting range, is fun and all… but when it comes to realistic shooting training, it’s practically useless. Here are 3 reasons why.
Do you need a sling on your AR-15? Here are three reasons you absolutely should have one on your home-defense rifle, whether it’s an AR15, AK47, or anything else.
There are lots of ways to customize your AR… but are they necessary? This time around, firearms expert Ox addresses whether the factory charging handle is “tactical” enough.
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