12-27 Years In Prison For “Defending Himself” With A Pen?! (Here’s What You Should Know…)
Tactical pens are something a lot of us carry… but are you making these common tactical pen mistakes?
Tactical pens are something a lot of us carry… but are you making these common tactical pen mistakes?
Eric wasn’t looking for a fight – but when he saw the woman being mercilessly beaten in front of him, he knew he had to do “something”…
You could go to prison after dialing 9-1-1 in a shooting or home invasion if you make any 1 of these 4 mistakes…
You’ve heard that “x percent of fights go to the ground.” Well, here are realistic fighting tips from an EXPERT on close-quarter combatives.
Using martial arts techniques for self defense against multiple attackers simply won’t work. But this “double-strike” technique will!
3 “equalizers” that everyone should have in their car or truck for personal defense… none of which are a gun or a knife!
There’s one move that can end almost any fight no matter HOW BIG the attacker is. You might be surprised to learn that it’s a fight move intended for women. Get the details inside!
I’m sure you’ve heard this before… … “when seconds count, the police are just minutes away”. In other words, if you’re ever attacked
What if you could make 2, 3, 4 (or more!) aggressors fear YOU in a threatening altercation? This bouncer has some tips for you…
Keys are a common “self-defense weapon” instructors will tell you to use in a real fight – but do they really work?
Think you “know your enemy”? The secret to defeating a criminal who is larger, stronger, more experienced at fighting to you has less to do with technique… than how you “think” about fighting.
Ok, this is going to sound VERY graphic, but it’s best that you face these facts now. As you already know, besides my
Tactical pens are something a lot of us carry… but are you making these common tactical pen mistakes?
READ MOREEric wasn’t looking for a fight – but when he saw the woman being mercilessly beaten in front of him, he knew he had to do “something”…
READ MOREYou could go to prison after dialing 9-1-1 in a shooting or home invasion if you make any 1 of these 4 mistakes…
READ MOREYou’ve heard that “x percent of fights go to the ground.” Well, here are realistic fighting tips from an EXPERT on close-quarter combatives.
READ MOREUsing martial arts techniques for self defense against multiple attackers simply won’t work. But this “double-strike” technique will!
READ MORE3 “equalizers” that everyone should have in their car or truck for personal defense… none of which are a gun or a knife!
READ MOREThere’s one move that can end almost any fight no matter HOW BIG the attacker is. You might be surprised to learn that it’s a fight move intended for women. Get the details inside!
READ MOREI’m sure you’ve heard this before… … “when seconds count, the police are just minutes away”. In other words, if you’re ever attacked
READ MOREWhat if you could make 2, 3, 4 (or more!) aggressors fear YOU in a threatening altercation? This bouncer has some tips for you…
READ MOREKeys are a common “self-defense weapon” instructors will tell you to use in a real fight – but do they really work?
READ MOREThink you “know your enemy”? The secret to defeating a criminal who is larger, stronger, more experienced at fighting to you has less to do with technique… than how you “think” about fighting.
READ MOREOk, this is going to sound VERY graphic, but it’s best that you face these facts now. As you already know, besides my
READ MOREMike Wallace was no match for the three men … While he as relatively fit as a professional NASCAR driver, the three drunken
READ MOREWhat’s the best home defense weapon to defeat violent home invaders? The one you can get to the fastest – and this one did the trick!
READ MOREOur readers had some tough stories about multiple attackers (and some tips and funny pics as well!)
READ MORECould this simple tweak to an ancient training tool really be the secret to a vice-like grip for firearms and combatives training?
READ MOREThis one single strike will bring ANY man to the ground – no matter how big and strong he is! Here’s the video proof…
READ MOREDiscover Sean Grogan’s insider secrets for how to “read minds” and spot an aggressive individual’s subconscious warning signs that he’s about to attack!
READ MOREDoes YOUR combatives training pass this “3-step test” for being street-ready?
READ MOREThe “secret” strikes to help you defeat an opponent no matter how high his pain threshold is in a real-life street fight!
READ MOREA stronger grip will make for more accuracy, particularly in a real-life gunfight where you WILL be gripping at 100%.
READ MOREFlorida gun instructor Ryan Thomas tells the gripping story of his encounter with a “jacked” road rager while walking with his young son.
READ MOREAll those fancy moves are a good way to catch a beating outside of “the octagon” in a real-life street fight!
READ MOREWhat the TRUTH about armed citizens stopping active shooters dead in their tracks means for your training.
READ MORECarrying a gun is NOT enough. Maybe you can’t carry some places or maybe you just can’t get to your gun. You need a “less lethal” backup!
READ MORE10 solid answers to the question “what do you need an AR-15 for anyway?”
READ MOREWhen MMA-based techniques came up short in real-life street fights, expert combatives instructor, Matt Numrich helped federal agencies figure out why… and what to do instead.
READ MOREHey guys! Turns out women may have known better all along… and it’s time for a little “reprogramming”!
READ MORENever fear another man again… EVER! This 3-part strategy is all you need to turn “fear” into your best friend in a hostile confrontation!
READ MOREPunching in a real fight is NOT a winning tactic! These 7 reasons should convince EVERYONE to change the way you fight and train!
READ MOREArmed for the apocalypse? These 10 urban survival weapons tips will help get you there!
READ MOREAdd these cheap, realistic training tools to your training for more fun… and more effective skill-development!
READ MOREDirty, nasty, rotten ways to use a pen to defeat a violent attacker – even in non-permissive environments!
READ MOREDirty, nasty, rotten ways to use a pen to defeat a violent attacker – even in non-permissive environments!
READ MOREDiscover the body’s secret “destruction points” for taking a grown man to his knees with the least effort ever!
READ MOREA lot of people say that “size doesn’t matter” in a fight. But it does… so how do you take down even the BIGGEST bad guy by hitting like a human sledgehammer?
READ MOREIs it ever okay to completely and totally “take someone out” in a moment of desperate need?
READ MORESometimes you’ve got to be prepared to use DEADLY force in self-defense. Damian Ross tells us how and why in this week’s podcast.
READ MOREEverybody knows how to throw a kick to the groin, right? Well, no, it turns out they don’t…
READ MOREThere are lot of people who say that martial arts “simply don’t work.” They’re right… which is why you SHOULD train in martial arts. Wait, what? We explain in this week’s podcast.
READ MOREYes, combat knife throwing is a thing. Here’s how to do it the way the Russian special forces do.
READ MOREIn our podcast this week, Buck Greene sits in for Jeff Anderson to explain 5 things you should consider before you choose to get involved when you see an emergency, an attack, or some other incident.
READ MOREIn our podcast this week, Buck Greene sits in for Jeff Anderson to tell the story of how he almost got mugged Saturday night… and the simple steps he took to avoid becoming a victim (that you can use, easily and quickly, if you end up in a similar situation).
READ MOREDo you carry a folding knife, either as a backup or as your primary weapon? Then you better make sure it has THIS…
READ MOREIf everything old is new again, and there’s nothing new under the sun, you can write your own cliché while reading about how this “lady’s weapon” for decades ago is making a modern-day tactical comeback.
READ MOREI have a funny storey about civil rest in the United Kingdom… and a certain sporting item that isn’t the best home-defense weapon.
READ MOREWarrior Life’s Buck Greene explains 5 “knife fighting” myths that go all the way back to the mail-order catalog, knife-fighting-book days.
READ MOREWhat if I told you that you could become a bad@ss in just 1 sitting? Well, it’s a leeeetle more complicated than that, amigo… but not much. Read on to learn more.
READ MOREWhy would you EVER throwing your knife in a fight? I don’t just have one good reason… I have TEN!
READ MOREYou know this guy is armed. He knows he’s armed… but he doesn’t know YOU know he’s armed. What do you do?
READ MOREI’ve been reading a BRUTAL book recently that got me to thinking about one of our most viral videos.
READ MOREI hate when myth and misinformation are passed on as self-defense advice… so ELEVEN YEARS AGO, I made this video! Join us in the Wayback Machine for a “throwback Thursday.”
READ MOREMore people than you realize have “joined a cult” — but it’s not what you think!
READ MOREYou probably aren’t making this common streetfighting mistake, but if you are, it’s an easy fix!
READ MOREThere are a lot of people out there teaching who probably should not be. In this week’s podcast, we look at 5 tests that can reveal an instructor’s “red flags.”
READ MOREIf you don’t have this spoon of doom in your self-defense arsenal for everyday carry, you really should.
READ MOREIn this second of a two-part series following a fight I saw at Disney World, we look at some simple, easy tricks to use your attacker’s OODA decision loop against him.
READ MOREWhen I was in the Happiest Place On Earth last week, I saw a fight in line that got me to thinking about how we look at the OODA loop. Let me tell you, the woman involved in this fight? She got what she deserved!
READ MOREWe all deal with non-permissive environments, which means we might need to get creative and improvise weapons (especially when traveling). Here are 3 weapons you can find at a Dollar Store and make for just 6 bucks!
READ MOREFor Taco Toolsday, we review the knife that you can’t seem to find in stock at any Wal-Mart… and explain just what happened to make this blade so popular.
READ MOREFor some of you, this quick tactical tip isn’t new… but if you’ve never heard of it before, this “tacticool” solution can last nearly a lifetime.
READ MOREEither you’ve got Internet enemies, or eventually you’ll make some. Here’s how to avoid doing that… and what to do if you can’t help it and someone comes after you online.
READ MORECivil unrest was a reality of life last summer… and, to be honest, this summer has been TOO quiet.
READ MOREPreviously I talked about the “10 commandments of concealed carry.” These aren’t “commandments,” but they are HIGHLY recommended… and sometimes VERY controversial tips for CCW.
READ MOREThere’s a disturbing trend when it comes to gun rights, one unique to the “post-pandemic” world… and we need to talk about it before it’s too late.
READ MOREFear can be your worst enemy in a fight… but it can also be your best friend. Learn how to control that outcome in this week’s podcast!
READ MOREDo you carry a knife for personal defense? There’s a specific feature you should consider if your knife doesn’t already have it…
READ MOREEverybody knows what it feels like to be disappointed in something you buy online. Use this “Amazon review hack” to help get BRUTALLY honest takes on everything you buy!
READ MOREWarrior Life’s Buck Greene sits in for Jeff Anderson to explain his recent experience at a martial arts seminar after taking TWO YEARS off from in-person training… and what experiences like this mean for your own fighting and combatives training.
READ MOREI don’t see ANYBODY practicing this skill on the firing line, but it could be a deciding factor in 85% of real-life shooting scenarios!
READ MOREKicking is NOT complicated. In this week’s podcast episode, I show you how to master close-combat kicking for a real attack, with little to no practice.
READ MORERussell Stutely, master of pressure point fighting, demonstrates a technique that caused so much damage to a training group that he stopped teaching it for a while.
READ MOREWatch three guys test both pepper spray and a stun gun to see which one was most effective for self-defense. Not only will you have a chuckle, but I’ll analyze each method and discuss some other weapons for self-defense (and no, I’m NOT going to say a gun!).
READ MOREIt’s been going through a skyrocketing resurgence in both the military and law enforcement, as a tactical tool as well as a weapon.
READ MOREIf you can’t prevent a fight, if you can tell the fight is on top of you, you have to be prepared to fight back. That’s why we train… and it’s why we train to prevent fights whenever we can in the first place.
READ MORESince the pandemic hit a lot of people have started using “contactless keyrings.” These little gadgets are meant to be used to open doors and push buttons so you don’t have to touch them with your bare hands. But here’s something else you may not have considered…some are actually powerful self-defense weapons!
READ MOREIf home invaders break into your home and take a member of your family hostage, you may have to make a split second decision. That’s why I’m going to share a tactic that could help you save your loved one’s life if they have a weapon on them and you’re armed…
READ MOREDo you have a laser on your home-defense gun? Here are six reasons you should.
READ MOREYour local costume shop has some gear you can use for realistic knife training.
READ MOREIt was a well-planned attack… While driving through Baltimore City, MD, former CIA agent Jason Hanson, took a turn down a narrow street
READ MOREhttp://DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Most self defense techniques are too complicated and not effective for street fighting. When choosing which self defense or martial arts
READ MOREhttp://www.DefeatLargerAttackers.com – In self defense against multiple attackers, the clinch is a dangerous place to be. This close quarters combat CQC tactic is
READ MOREhttp://www.DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Self defense groin kick secret to win a street fight fast. The groin kick in self defense techniques is often done
READ MOREhttp://DefeatLargerAttackers.com/ – Edged weapon defense starts with reading a knife attack. How an attacker holds an edge weapon tells a lot about how
READ MOREhttp://www.DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Ground fighting is common in mixed martial arts and even in street fights. Here’s how to defeat a mixed martial artist
READ MOREhttp://www.DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Hockey fights are close quarters combat scenarios. This technique from the ice works great as a street fight technique also for
READ MOREhttp://DefeatLargerAttackers.com/ – Ground fighting technique for close quarters combat. Grappling for street fights and self defense when attacker is in mount position.
READ MOREhttp://DefeatLargerAttackers.com – How to uppercut in a real street fight to knock someone out with one punch. The uppercut is a great knockout
READ MOREIn some circles, Wing Chun is known as being the first martial art of the incomparable Bruce Lee. That’s a pretty good endorsement.
READ MOREhttp://www.DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Preemptive strikes as self defense tactics give you an advantage in a street fight, but this pre-emptive strike baiting trick can
READ MOREhttp://www.DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Self defense in a close quarters combat clinch can make it hard to find targets. This self defense technique is a
READ MOREhttp://DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Knock someone out in a real street fight! This self defense move is so powerful, your attacker will see stars. Real
READ MOREhttp://DefeatLargerAttackers.com – (Note: The “Sticking” technique in this video is for TRAINING ONLY – not for real fighting) Martial arts has its place
READ MOREhttp://DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Want to know how to knock someone out with one hit? This self defense technique for a headbutt knockout has been
READ MOREhttp://www.DefeatLargerAttackers.com – When fighting in built up areas in combat or home defense, weapon retention is critical to survival. This close quarters combat
READ MOREhttp://DefeatLargerAttackers.com – In a real street fight, your self defense techniques must end the fight quickly. But most people punch for power rather
READ MOREhttp://www.DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Muay Thai knee strike for self defense in close quarters combat can be a big mistake! Mixed martial arts uses Muay
READ MOREhttp://www.DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Grappling moves against a ground fighter in a street fight requires a technique that defeats the mixed martial arts mindset. This
READ MOREhttp://DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Self defense techniques against multiple attackers are different than fighting one person, yet martial arts experts often train incorrectly. Here are
READ MOREhttps://DefeatLargerAttackers.com – Learning how to punch in a real street fight can be useless self defense training yet it’s taught as the most
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