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Self Defense Articles

CRAZY Knife-Fighting Lessons From A Russian Spec-Ops Soldier

Yes, combat knife throwing is a thing. Here’s how to do it the way the Russian special forces do.


WL 399 – Should You Get Involved?

In our podcast this week, Buck Greene sits in for Jeff Anderson to explain 5 things you should consider before you choose to get involved when you see an emergency, an attack, or some other incident.


WL 398 – Avoid A Mugging By “Managing Unknown Contacts” (A True Story)

In our podcast this week, Buck Greene sits in for Jeff Anderson to tell the story of how he almost got mugged Saturday night… and the simple steps he took to avoid becoming a victim (that you can use, easily and quickly, if you end up in a similar situation).


WL 390 – The Dirtiest Ground-Fighting Move (EVER!)

I’ve got to warn you, this fight move is BRUTAL… and I’m even going to show you how to test it on YOURSELF!


If You Carry A Folding Knife, Make Sure It Has THIS Feature. . .

Do you carry a folding knife, either as a backup or as your primary weapon? Then you better make sure it has THIS…


Classic “Lady’s Weapon” Makes A 2022 Comeback (As A “Pothead Accessory”)

If everything old is new again, and there’s nothing new under the sun, you can write your own cliché while reading about how this “lady’s weapon” for decades ago is making a modern-day tactical comeback.


3 Reasons You DON’T Want A “Home Defense Bat”

I have a funny storey about civil rest in the United Kingdom… and a certain sporting item that isn’t the best home-defense weapon.


WL 381 – 5 “Knife Fighting” Myths (That Need To DIE)

Warrior Life’s Buck Greene explains 5 “knife fighting” myths that go all the way back to the mail-order catalog, knife-fighting-book days.


How To Be A Bad@ss (in 1 Sitting)

What if I told you that you could become a bad@ss in just 1 sitting? Well, it’s a leeeetle more complicated than that, amigo… but not much. Read on to learn more.


WL 374 – Combat Knife Throwing (Yeah, It’s A Thing!)

Why would you EVER throwing your knife in a fight? I don’t just have one good reason… I have TEN!

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