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Survival Articles

WL 424 – Prepping For WWIII: “Nuclear Armageddon”

Just how close ARE we to a nuclear conflict with Russia? And if we were attacked, how screwed would you and your family be if you saw a mushroom cloud off in the distance? Let’s find out…


WL 423 – 5 Personal Survival Lessons I Learned From Hurricane Ian

Oh boy… did I ever learn my lessons from this monster of a storm!


WL 421 – 10 Fun Ways To Challenge Your Survival Skills

Think you have what it takes to survive an SHTF event? Well, let’s find out…


WL 420 – How To Survive The Most Dangerous 5-Minutes Of Your Life

Are YOU prepared for the most dangerous 5-minutes of your life? Wendell Whitmore thought he was. He was wrong.


WL 419 – Defeating SHTF “Survival Supervillains”

Do your family or your friends have “supervillain origin stories?” They might in an emergency… and here are 7 factors that could turn them against you when SHTF!


WL 411 – “Kill Or Be Killed” Survival Tactics

Active shootings aren’t things that just happen to “someone else.” They could happen to YOU and YOUR family no matter where you are. Here are 10 tips that could help you save your loved one’s lives, and your own life, in a shooting.


WL 410 – Actions On Contact: Extreme Active Shooter Response

Active shootings aren’t things that just happen to “someone else.” They could happen to YOU and YOUR family no matter where you are. Here are 10 tips that could help you save your loved one’s lives, and your own life, in a shooting.


WL 409 – Extreme Improvised Weapons: 3 Steps To Arm Yourself Anywhere, Anytime!

There are weapons all around you. You NEVER have to be unarmed no matter where you happen to be. Here’s how to make it work for you.


WL 407 – 5 Ways To Keep The Unprepared Off Your Doorstep In A SHTF Disaster

You don’t want to be the place where everyone turns up in a disaster… so here’s how to avoid that problem and keep your family safe (and prepared).


WL 403 – Level-Up Your “Household” Survival Gear

We all grew up with “survival gear” around the house, even if we didn’t look at it that way. Here’s how to upgrade those items simply and cheaply to get more “survival bang” for your “prepper buck.”


(Home Invasion) How Jackie’s Traumatic Story Could Keep You Alive And 3 Things You Must Know To Survive

This woman’s horrible story could actually help keep you alive… once you hear what she experienced.


6 Simple Steps To Disarm A Gunman

When you’re staring down the barrel of a gun, you’ve got to know what to do… FAST!


CRAZY Knife-Fighting Lessons From A Russian Spec-Ops Soldier

Yes, combat knife throwing is a thing. Here’s how to do it the way the Russian special forces do.


WL 396 – The Survival Lessons You Learn When You Stab Yourself

In our podcast this week, Buck Greene sits in for Jeff Anderson to explain the survival lessons he learned the hard way — by stabbing himself accidentally.


WL 394 – Dumb Things All Humans Do That Work Against Survival

Buck Greene has a story to tell this week… and it all started with one high school kid’s classic weapon.


WL 393 – 5 Bugout Bag Items You Should NEVER Pack (But Everyone Does Anyway)

This week, I want to tell you a story about a loudmouth soldier I knew in the Army… and why one of his big screw-ups is something a lot of preppers are still doing today.


WL 392 – How To Tell People You’re A Prepper (Without Telling Them)

We’re not supposed to tell anyone about our preparations, for some very good reasons… but what if you have to? Learn how and why to break this important rule in this week’s podcast.


WL 389 – Bad Habits That Break Your Survival Gear (And How To Avoid Them)

We all have some “bad habits” that lead us to break or damage our critical survival gear. Here’s how to avoid them.


If You Carry A Folding Knife, Make Sure It Has THIS Feature. . .

Do you carry a folding knife, either as a backup or as your primary weapon? Then you better make sure it has THIS…


The Invisible Survival Weapon (From Ancient Times)

There is a survival weapon from ancient times that makes the perfect hide-in-plain-sight tool, making it a functional (and invisible) way to protect yourself (while it also makes you safer as you bug out).


WL 386 – 10 Vehicle Bugout Gear Items (You Probably Haven’t Thought Of Yet)

Bugging out isn’t as simple as telling your spouse to grab their bugout bag and get in the Family Truckster. There are threats that could stop you from even getting ON the road, and then the ones you’ll face while traveling. Here are 10 pieces of gear you should consider adding to your bugout vehicle (and why).


WL 384 – Bugout Planning Reality Check

It’s one of the SEXIEST topics in survival magazines, online forums, and survival blogs… but it’s also the topic that most people get WRONG, even experienced preppers and survivalists. The problem is, getting this wrong can also be DANGEROUS… if not DEADLY!


WL 383 – 5 Moments That Make You A Warrior

In every person’s life, there are a few moments that put them on the path of Warrior Life. We’d like to know what YOUR moments were, and in this week’s podcast, Warrior Life’s Buck Greene shares 5 of his (that he bets you’ll be able to relate to!)


This Hidden “SAK” Tool Could Be In YOUR Pocket Already

Imagine carrying a tool around for 25 years and never realizing it had a hidden feature. Well, that happened to one of Warrior Life’s staff members… and you could be carrying the same tool right now!


WL 382 – 5 Life-Or-Death IFAK Mistakes

Without a doubt, the IFAK, or Individual First Aid Kit, is one of the MOST overlooked pieces of survival kit. In this week’s podcast, we talk to Brian McLaughlin from Mountain Man Medical about 5 critical mistakes survivalists, preppers, and gun people are making with their IFAKs.


[News] Pasty Pencil-Pushers BRAWLED in Atlantic City! (3 Tips For If YOU Get Caught In A Brawl)

A bizarre brawl among pencil-pushing mortgage brokers in Atlantic City caught my eye because of something specific the “non-combatants’ did to escape.


Pocket Loadout: What’s Your Bare-Minimum EDC?

I’m genuinely curious: How does your pocket load-out compare? I’d love it if you told me what you carry every day, in the comments on this post.


WL 380 – “5 Things My Dad Got WRONG About EDC” (And What We Can Learn From Them)

Warrior Life’s Buck Greene learned a lot about everyday carry and survival from his father… but it turns out, some of it was just WRONG. Learn why (and what to do about it) in this week’s podcast.


WL 379 – The #1 Prepping Killer (And How To Fix It Now)

Through all the survivalists I’ve talked to, trained, coached, and worked with over the years, there was ONE thing that turned out to be the WORST killer of everyone’s preps. But the good news is, I think I can fix it… right now!


WL 378 – Military Lessons For Preppers From A Forward Observer

10 years in the Army, it turns out, is a LOT of survival information… and here’s how today’s preppers and survivalists can apply these principles to their own survival and self-defense plans!


WL 376 – Stop Thanking Our Veterans For Their Service

For Veterans Day, I get real when it comes to what people THINK war is like… and what it’s really like for those who’ve served.


How The Dark Side Of The Force Can Help You Survive An Injury

The bad guys in Star Wars, the evil Sith, had a rule that is actually important when it comes to treating life-threatening injuries in survival situations.


WL 375 – 5 Old School Survivalist Lessons

If you died, would your loved ones have learned survival and self-reliance from you? That’s a question one of our staff asked himself recently.


WL 374 – Combat Knife Throwing (Yeah, It’s A Thing!)

Why would you EVER throwing your knife in a fight? I don’t just have one good reason… I have TEN!


How “Good” CCWers OUT Themselves (And 5 Tricks For Covert EDC)

Even an experienced armed citizen who keeps his hardware out of sight might be “outing” himself as a “tactical person” with his other EDC accessories. Here’s how, plus 5 tips for covert EDC.


WL 370 – A Live Warrior Life Rant On Walkers Vs. Talkers

I’m not going to lie; I’m old, grumpy, and not going to take it anymore! This is a rant, but a really important one…


WL 369 – Survival Clowns (And The Preppers Who Dress Like Them)

Don’t paint a target on your face like clown makeup. Learn how to avoid dressing and acting like a “survival clown” in this week’s podcast.


Surprise Way To DIE In The Woods (+1 Solution)

Outdoor survival – “wilderness” survival – is something we all think about… but have you considered this one, simple, “surprise” way to get killed out there?


WL 368 – So You’ve ABANDONED Your Family…

In an emergency, anything that can go wrong, will… and if you’re separated from your family, you need these 7 “communication hacks” so you don’t abandon them to the crisis!


WL 367 – Why Survivalists DIE

Survivalists and preppers are SUPPOSED to be the most ready to survive emergencies… but here are 5 categories of mistakes even experienced warriors make that get them KILLED in survival situations.


Fun “video quiz” tests your gun tactics!

Only a little more than 20 PERCENT of gun owners pass this quiz. Test yourself now!


[Toolsday] Media Want You To Fear The “Saturday Night Special” Of Knives

A knife first popularized among South African criminals because it was cheap remains strangely popular among some “knife people” today. In our Toolsday gear review, we talk about this knife and the type of knives it represents.


Sneaky Tricks To Hide Your Guns And Other Survival Weapons When Forced To Evacuate In A Disaster

I want to tell you a story about the super-cool knife that was stolen (or “borrowed”) from me in 1988… and what this means for when YOU are bugging out with your own survival weapons.


Hiding Weapons Is Hurting Our Gun Rights?

I’d genuinely like to know how you would answer this question about weapons for restricted areas.


(Video) Easy Solutions To SHTF Freakouts

Under stress, you’re going to make poor decisions. That means in any SHTF scenario, you need some simple tricks for stress relief, even when bugging out. Our latest Warrior Life TV video tells you the least you need to know to reduce stress during SHTF.


WL 361 – 10 Suckiest Bugout Bag Fails

I review a LOT of gear… but in this week’s podcast, I tell you the WORST fails I’ve seen, even in some EXPENSIVE bugout bags and packs on the market.


Taco Tuesday: We Review The Glock e-Trainer (In 59 Seconds)

We’re trying something new in this week’s Taco Toolsday… and I want to know if you like this new “less than a minute” video format! Leave your comment and let us know.


Toolsday Review: Ed Calderon’s “Motel Armorer” Improvised Weapons Online Course

There’s a disturbing trend when it comes to gun rights, one unique to the “post-pandemic” world… and we need to talk about it before it’s too late.


The “Combat Knife” I Carry (And Why)

Do you carry a knife for personal defense? There’s a specific feature you should consider if your knife doesn’t already have it…


Remote Bug-Out? This 1 Tiny, Cheap Item Let’s You Sleep Easier

Tired of losing sleep, with those pesky skeeters trying to make a withdrawal from your blood bank? A fellow Warrior, Jacob from Louisiana,

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