These 5 Sneaky Ways To Hide Your Guns During A “Martial Law” Scenario Are Absolutely Genius!
It’s happened before. It will happen again. Here’s how to plan now for martial law gun confiscation…
It’s happened before. It will happen again. Here’s how to plan now for martial law gun confiscation…
3 “equalizers” that everyone should have in their car or truck for personal defense… none of which are a gun or a knife!
Will you be “armed for the apocalypse”?
The notorious MS-13 gang may have as many as 10,000 members in the United States. They are known for their ferocity, summed up in their motto, “kill, steal, rape, control.” They’re EFFECTIVE and BRUTAL… and we can learn a few things from their methods about how to survive in a dangerous world.
This legendary swordsman has some powerful lessons for you in defending during chaotic times!
Ok, this is going to sound VERY graphic, but it’s best that you face these facts now. As you already know, besides my
What’s the best home defense weapon to defeat violent home invaders? The one you can get to the fastest – and this one did the trick!
The Gurkha’s Kukri machete is often considered the best machete for fighting. But the REAL winner for the best survival machete is revealed!
This one controversial AR-15 feature could mean the difference between life and death in a real SHTF firefight…
Do you have what it takes to be “dangerous”? These 7 key factors will mentally prepare you for violence when needed.
Does your “mountain” of ammo look more like a “mole hill”? Discover the insider secrets to stockpiling ammunition for training and long-term survival!
Getting started in long-range precision rifle shooting is MUCH easier than you think! Here’s how to get started even if you’re a total beginner…
It’s happened before. It will happen again. Here’s how to plan now for martial law gun confiscation…
READ MORE3 “equalizers” that everyone should have in their car or truck for personal defense… none of which are a gun or a knife!
READ MOREWill you be “armed for the apocalypse”?
READ MOREThe notorious MS-13 gang may have as many as 10,000 members in the United States. They are known for their ferocity, summed up in their motto, “kill, steal, rape, control.” They’re EFFECTIVE and BRUTAL… and we can learn a few things from their methods about how to survive in a dangerous world.
READ MOREThis legendary swordsman has some powerful lessons for you in defending during chaotic times!
READ MOREOk, this is going to sound VERY graphic, but it’s best that you face these facts now. As you already know, besides my
READ MOREWhat’s the best home defense weapon to defeat violent home invaders? The one you can get to the fastest – and this one did the trick!
READ MOREThe Gurkha’s Kukri machete is often considered the best machete for fighting. But the REAL winner for the best survival machete is revealed!
READ MOREThis one controversial AR-15 feature could mean the difference between life and death in a real SHTF firefight…
READ MOREDo you have what it takes to be “dangerous”? These 7 key factors will mentally prepare you for violence when needed.
READ MOREDoes your “mountain” of ammo look more like a “mole hill”? Discover the insider secrets to stockpiling ammunition for training and long-term survival!
READ MOREGetting started in long-range precision rifle shooting is MUCH easier than you think! Here’s how to get started even if you’re a total beginner…
READ MORECarrying a gun is NOT enough. Maybe you can’t carry some places or maybe you just can’t get to your gun. You need a “less lethal” backup!
READ MOREMost of the conventional wisdom about survival is TOTALLY WRONG and won’t work in a real-life survival situation. Here’s what to do instead.
READ MOREMost of the conventional wisdom about survival is TOTALLY WRONG and won’t work in a real-life survival situation. Here’s what to do instead.
READ MOREArmed for the apocalypse? These 10 urban survival weapons tips will help get you there!
READ MOREThere are weapons all around you. You NEVER have to be unarmed no matter where you happen to be. Here’s how to make it work for you.
READ MOREYes, combat knife throwing is a thing. Here’s how to do it the way the Russian special forces do.
READ MOREDo you carry a folding knife, either as a backup or as your primary weapon? Then you better make sure it has THIS…
READ MOREThere is a survival weapon from ancient times that makes the perfect hide-in-plain-sight tool, making it a functional (and invisible) way to protect yourself (while it also makes you safer as you bug out).
READ MOREWhy would you EVER throwing your knife in a fight? I don’t just have one good reason… I have TEN!
READ MOREA knife first popularized among South African criminals because it was cheap remains strangely popular among some “knife people” today. In our Toolsday gear review, we talk about this knife and the type of knives it represents.
READ MOREThere’s a disturbing trend when it comes to gun rights, one unique to the “post-pandemic” world… and we need to talk about it before it’s too late.
READ MOREDo you carry a knife for personal defense? There’s a specific feature you should consider if your knife doesn’t already have it…
READ MOREOne of my favorite things to monitor on the Internet is “tactical fads.” These are trends and things that become popular in the
READ MOREA classic weapon of the “criminal class” from years ago is now popping up in EDC posts on social media. We take a look at why.
READ MOREIf you were literally forced out of your home due to a major disaster… wide-scale grid-down blackout… or other catastrophic event… which gun would you bring with you? I think you’ll be REALLY surprised at my number 1 pick…
READ MORESniper Training For Survivalists: Every prepper needs it, both for bugging out and for bugging in. Learn why you need a “sniper rifle” and the training to use it.
READ MOREhttp://mcs-mag.com/s/yt-improvised-weapons – Bugging out can be a dangerous survival mission. To protect yourself and those you love, you need to be armed –
READ MOREIf you run out of ammo – especially with the gun stores picked clean – you’ll need a weapon that can do serious damage if you’re going to defend against the riots and looting out there…
READ MORESurvival knives. Survival Machetes. In urban survival environments, a machete or survival knife isn’t much good if it’s not sharp. Here are 5 urban survival knife and machete sharpening tips for all your survival blades.
READ MOREHow afraid are you to lose or break the knife you carry? You might be surprised why we argue in favor of carrying a cheap knife in this week’s podcast.
READ MOREDoes throwing knives have a place in a real self-defense or survival situation? The answer might surprise you!
READ MOREThere are LOTS of tactical tomahawks on the market. How do you know which one to buy? We talked to Eric Fehrman to get his expert opinion.
READ MOREThere are a lot of “fantasy prepper” weapon ideas out there. Here are 5 of the WORST of them, and why you shouldn’t be relying on these for self-defense when SHTF…
READ MOREThe tactical tomahawk is a remarkably intuitive weapon. It has a lot going for it… and we talked to a representative of one of the most popular tomahawk companies around to get his take on the weapon.
READ MOREThe incredible Kris “Tanto” Paronto, of “13 Hours” (the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya on the US State Department facility and annex) offers his insight into a wide range of personal security topics.
READ MOREConcealed Carry Weapon (CCW) gear can save your life in a real gunfight. In this week’s podcast, Buck Greene from MCS discusses several Everyday Carry (EDC) gear items you SHOULD have on you if you carry a gun.
READ MORELong-range tactical handgun combat training is absolutely essential for realistic CQC pistol combat. While the handgun is a short-range weapon, this podcast will change how you look at training with it — especially at long distances.
READ MOREThe best survival machete extreme close quarters combat tactics are the ones that will put your attackers down quickly. To use the combat machete most effectively, you’ve got to know the most effective moves. This podcast will make you look at the fighting machete as you never have before.
READ MOREThe going thinking seems to be that the ONLY way to survive is to flee the city. You’re supposed to run, like a dog with its tail between its legs, and hide out in the woods until things get back to normal. This is really dated thinking that ignores history. To get to the bottom of this, we’ve got to dispel some of the myths about urban survival in a collapse.
READ MOREIn this week’s podcast episode, Modern Combat & Survival’s Jeff Anderson describes 5 weapons you can put in your BOV right now that will help you fend off the people who want to TAKE what you have.
READ MOREDo you have a “survival knife” you love that’s part of your bug-out bag or other survival gear? Most likely you do — but here’s a follow-up question for you… Have you ever TESTED your knife to make sure it’ll do what you NEED it to do under realistic conditions? There’s a simple way to do that test, and you may want to LEVEL UP your survival knife.
READ MOREThe staff at Modern Combat and Survival loves to give you quick and easy survival tips that can help you in an emergency. We’d also love to hear your own survival tips in the comments. Everyone is here to learn from each other!
READ MOREDo you ever do any traveling? If so, you could have a big bulls-eye on your back for criminals who spot you’re “not
READ MORETrue survival plans don’t follow a “one size fits all” approach. Here’s how to customize your response based on where you live… and where you’re going!
READ MOREThe best survival weapons plan isn’t a “one size fits all” solution. Here’s how to adjust your plan for bugging out vs. bugging in.
READ MOREIf you’ve never thought of being a sniper before, this podcast will give you 5 reasons to develop your “sniper skills” for a SHTF collapse!
READ MOREHere’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode: Key components to look for when picking out the perfect bugout bag! What types of
READ MOREFew people know how bad things can get in a “collapse” than Jeff Kirkham… With nearly 29 years as a soldier and Green
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