4 Ways To Avoid A Really Crappy Legal Plan After A Self-Defense Shooting - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

4 Ways To Avoid A Really Crappy Legal Plan After A Self-Defense Shooting

Even though George Zimmerman was acquitted of murder, I’m sure he never would have gotten out of his car if he had it to do all over again.

The only reason he’s not in prison for the rest of his life is probably due to a really crappy prosecution team.

That could just as easily be you with a really crappy defense plan if you ever find yourself in court after a self-defense shooting.

While there’s a butt-load of advice littering the internet about how to end an attacker’s life with a bullet, there’s very little legal training for responsibly-armed citizens so here are…

4 Ways To Avoid A Crappy Legal Plan After A Self-Defense Shooting

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1. Designate a “stable” point person

Someone is going to need to arrange for your defense and make hard decisions.

Who do you trust to do that during a highly stressful time?

Your spouse may be too emotionally drained and/or caring for your children’s needs (especially if your family was attacked).

2. Give them signed “powers of attorney”

Your representative may need to make medical decisions… access personal records and even make financial withdrawals to pull together your defense fund in your absence.

3. Have the means to pay for your defense

You’re going to need about $5,000 as a starter for your defense attorney retainer.

Determine now what assets you would let go, such as investments, life insurance draw, sell-able items (guns, jewelry, etc.)

4. Know when to pull the trigger

As you can see, surviving an attack is only part of the battle.

It’s what happens AFTER an you use a firearm – even when justified – that can destroy a family almost as heavily.

The financial and emotional toll is very heavy and of course you should avoid it at all costs, short of giving up your life of course.

Only fools own a gun… train with a gun… and then never “train” in how to avoid the devastation AFTER pulling the trigger.

Know your legal responsibilities in defending yourself so you know how to protect yourself legally in a shooting…

This is information that could literally save your life and now is the time to prepare yourself for the legal aftermath if you’re left with no choice but to defend yourself and your family with your firearm.

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