Fighting A Larger Attacker Got VERY REAL For This Brave Woman!

Fighting A Larger Attacker Got VERY REAL For This Brave Woman!

Jeff Anderson
Jeff Anderson, Editor

I have never seen TERROR on a person’s face as clearly as you can see it in these pictures.

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing as you read this, I want you to imagine something:

There’s a guy behind you, and he wants to HURT you.

I’m serious: the second you turn your head to look, there will be a guy RIGHT THERE.

You might be thinking, “Don’t be silly, Jeff. That isn’t going to happen.”

Well, amigo, that’s EXACTLY what happened to young Brittany Brophy while she was working in the office of a small-town pizza shop.

And the look on her face is why this story is so important to every one of us – because Brittany could be your wife, your mother, your daughter… or even a stand-in for you, depending on the situation.

Brave Woman Fights Back Against Robber (Until He Gets Bored!)

Pizza Shop Woman Fights Off Attacker (Brittany Brophy)
Pizza Shop Woman Fights Off Attacker (Brittany Brophy)

It happened in a local pizza place in White Center, Washington.

Brittany Brophy was sitting there working, when a thug in a winter hat simply enters and grabs at the money she’s counting.

There was some kind of security nanny-cam monitoring the office to keep employees honest, too – so we can see the entire horrible robbery clear as day:

When he grabs her, Brittany is scared out of her wits – and jumps up on the counter, kicking at him with her feet with as much power as she has!

Recovering and realizing what’s really happening, she jumps to her feet, now standing on the counter.

Then she starts wrestling with the scumbag while he tries to escape with the money!

The fight gets nasty, then, but finally, Brittany struggles with him until he throws her to the ground.

And then, like he’s gotten bored, he just leaves.

I know: Kind of “anti-climactic,” huh?

The robber didn’t even hurry – he just let himself out and was gone.

Another way to look at it is that Brittany got incredibly lucky.

“I’ve been through a little bit in my life,” she told the cops. “Having me be 5 foot 3 and the only person around to take care of myself… But all in all, I just knew I was gonna be okay, that I just needed to get out of there.”

Except… that’s not what she did.

She didn’t “get out of there.”

She fought with the bad guy until he decided to leave, and the only reason she didn’t get hurt is because he didn’t try harder to injure her.

Now, I give Brittany a lot of credit: she recovered from the initial terror of suddenly finding a stranger attacking her, and she fought back like a wildcat.

But it’s obvious just from looking at her with her feet in the air that she was outmatched.

The thug was bigger and stronger, towering over her, and if he had decided to choke her or even stab her instead of just throwing her to the ground and leaving, well…

…Things might not have “just been okay.”

What Brittany needed to know was how to fight off and PUT DOWN a bigger attacker – and the good news is, there ARE ways she (or you, if you were facing a larger thug) could do just that!

Now, I have to ask…

If you were attacked, from out of nowhere – and by a bigger and stronger person, the way Brittany was – would YOU know what to do?

Did you know that there’s a single move that will work for a much smaller person against a larger attacker, allowing you to practically take their head off?

I know… because I’ve used it myself, and it worked for me every single time.

If you’d like to learn more, check out this video – but be warned: it’s a lot more graphic than Brittany’s attack.

It’s important that you watch it, though, because…

…YOUR attacker might not just lose interest and walk away, which means you’ll have to FIGHT to keep him from hurting you!

In other words, you need a PLAN for when your luck runs out.

And I can give you that plan, along with the tips and tactics to do it if some scumbag ever targets you.

What Is Your “Go To Move” For Larger Attackers?

Please Share Your Thoughts And Experiences Below…

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