Home Invasion Defense: 11. Y.O. With Combat Machete Defeats Home Invader! - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

Home Invasion Defense: 11. Y.O. With Combat Machete Defeats Home Invader!

“If they come in the door, you let ’em have it!”

Those words from 11 y.o. Braydon Smith’s father had to echo through his head as he sat in the dark – stuffed in a bedroom closet by a gang of home invaders.

Alone… afraid… outsized… outnumbered… and with no police “back-up” on the way…

Braydon took his dad’s words to heart and, in the pitch black darkness of the closet, plotted to grab the closest “weapon” his little hands could find, and…

Here’s How This 11 y.o. Single-Handedly Defeated A Gang Of Low-Life Home Invaders…

Home Invasion Defense - Braydon Smith
Home Invasion Defense – Braydon Smith

It was 11:00 am on a sunny June morning when young Braydon – alone at home – heard a knock on the family’s front door as he was talking with his mother on the phone.

Peering out his front window, he saw a strange woman on the front porch.

Braydon knew something wasn’t quite right, when suddenly…


… he heard his bedroom window shatter behind him!

Jataveon Dashawn Hall

In mere seconds, Braydon found himself staring face-to-chest with Jataveon Dashawn Hall, a hardened gang member who used his partner’s front-door distraction to invade their home and ambush the youngster when he wasn’t looking.

Braydon fought back with everything he had.

But he was no match for the bigger, stronger Jataveon Hall, who grabbed a pellet gun and forced Braydon into the bedroom closet so he and his gang could loot his home without interference.

They seriously underestimated the 11 y.o…

Braydon remembered the weapon that was hidden nearby after a previous burglary…

It wasn’t a pistol… it wasn’t a rifle… it wasn’t a shotgun…

… it was a machete!

Bursting through the closet door, Braydon – a “star baseball player” in his hometown of Mebane, North Carolina – quickly grabbed the machete and started swinging like he was going for a home run, surprising the unaware Hall with a hit to the back of his head.

The fight was on!

Hall turned around and kicked Braydon in the stomach.

The boy came back – swinging the machete again – but missed.

Hall then kicked Braydon in the head, sending him sprawling to the ground – out of the fight – as he continued his looting of the home while his cohorts waited outside.

That’s when he felt it…

… the wet, warm sensation on the back of his neck.

Reaching back, Hall discovered that the boy’s first blow had hit its target and sliced a good sized gash in the back of his head that was bleeding severely.

In a panic, he dropped the electronics and rushed out the door to flee the area with his two other partners in crime, leaving a trail of blood (and DNA evidence!) behind him.

11 y.o. Braydon – 3
Gang Members – 0

When interviewed later, Braydon said he “hesitated a little,” but he was determined to defend his family’s home from this violent invader.

“You shouldn’t have done what you’ve done,” Braydon said of the thug who attacked him.

(Wise words from a little boy, eh?)

Law enforcement praised his quick-thinking in defending himself and defending his family’s home.

But who KNOWS what Jataveon Hall might have done if Braydon hadn’t gotten to that big blade in time, right?

We all know that home invaders prey on those they consider “weak” – children, the elderly, the handicapped, women – and will use violence to gain power over their victims with no regard for human life.

That’s why I’m such a huge advocate of owning a gun for home defense – and there have been numerous stories about young kids who’ve defended their homes with firearms.

But Braydon didn’t HAVE a gun!

And it’s very unlikely that any OTHER weapon (like a baseball bat, or even a knife) would have allowed him to fight off Jataveon Hall.

Hall was bigger, stronger, and more aggressive.

Only a BIG blade like a machete had the power to put him down…

…and Braydon’s story shows just how effective a machete can be for personal defense – EVEN in the hands of an 11-year-old!

And you can imagine why…

The machete is so simple to use at a “basic” level, that even a small boy can use it against a larger, stronger attacker — and win!

And with more “advanced machete fighting tactics”, it’s downright deadly – as a home defense “back-up” to a firearm, or even as a primary weapon if no gun is available.

In fact, its simplicity is just one of the reasons why I say the machete is the “ultimate survival weapon”, whether you’re facing a horde of face-eating zombies (kidding!) or a brutal home invader in your living room with no regard for human life.

Take a few lessons from young Braydon…

Think “beyond the gun” and consider what other weapons you can use around your home if you were forced to defend yourself in a home invasion ambush.

Not only that, I suggest you even go one step further and actually HIDE “back-up weapons” in strategic locations around your home – like a machete…

And to young Braydon… “Nice job my man!” 🙂

… AND (of course) know how to USE them in a real attack!

What Weapons Do You Use To Defend Your Home?

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