Is It True That “People Who Carry Tactical Pens Can’t Fight?” - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

Is It True That “People Who Carry Tactical Pens Can’t Fight?”

One of the things about reading self-defense information on the Internet is that anybody can say anything.

Recently I stumbled across a YouTube video that was all about how people who carry “kubotans” can’t fight.

This caught my attention, because a kubotan, a tactical pen, and a flashlight are all the same thing.

(They’re all small, rigid objects that people use as force multipliers in a fight.)

That means the guy in the video was telling a whole lot of people they’re not capable of protecting themselves.

So, I gotta ask…

Is It True That People Who Carry Tactical Pens “Can’t Fight”?

People Who Carry Tactical Pens "Can't Fight"?
People Who Carry Tactical Pens “Can’t Fight”?

There’s a short answer to that question, of course.

I mean, people ask inflammatory questions like that because they’re trying to drive “clickbait” “hate-views,” you know?

Tell somebody they’re stupid, or they can’t fight, and they’ll fall over themselves to tell you that you’re wrong.

But in this case, the answer to that question – is it TRUE that you can’t fight if you carry one of these tools – is obviously NO.

But you might be surprised by WHY it’s “no.”

People who carry tactical pens, kubotans (sometimes called “yawara”) and small flashlights as striking tools all have different amounts of training.

But anybody carrying one of these tools understands one super-important thing:

These tools all work because PHYSICS says so.

See, when you hold a rigid object like a tactical pen or a kubotan in your hand, the smaller tip of the object AMPLIFIES the force of your blow.

The kubotan or pen hits HARDER than your fist alone, because the force is concentrated.

And because the pen or kubotan can’t feel pain and is a lot harder than your knuckles, what you’ve got is one HELL of a weapon that makes ANYBODY more prepared for a fight.

But people who carry these tools do make 1 important mistake.

They usually limit themselves to just one tool.

  • If you carry a kubotan, all you have is a dowel – which can hit hard, but can’t be used for utility.
  • If you carry a tactical pen, you have a kubotan that also writes, which is great – but it isn’t a flashlight.
  • If you carry a flashlight, you can light your way in an emergency… but you don’t have a pen to write with.


But what if you could carry ALL these things in the same, compact striking weapon and utility tool?

It’s called the STRIKEPEN, and you can see more about it here.

The STRIKEPEN is a milled alloy pen with a scientifically tested texture for a great grip.

It writes well, but it ALSO incorporates a bright LED emitter (as you can see in the picture) and a tungsten striker.

(It even includes interchangeable tools, one of which is a blade, the other of which is a wrench and bottle opener.)

This is the “Swiss Army Knife” of tactical pens – a combination pen, kubotan, and flashlight that can still fly “under the radar” while it’s protecting you.

It’s easily the best tactical pen I’ve seen yet… but don’t wait to get yours.

The website where I buy them has limited inventory, and once these are gone, they’re gone.

Get yours – and get protected – today.

And, hey, the fact that you’re more than equipped to fight to protect yourself will be our little secret…

…no matter what random guys on the Internet have to say about it.

Do You Carry A Pen Every Day? What About A Flashlight?

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