Looter Defense In A Disaster: Home Defense Screw-ups Citizen Defenders Make - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

Looter Defense In A Disaster: Home Defense Screw-ups Citizen Defenders Make

Your home is your castle… but what if it were under attack?

Think about it… the place where you choose to shelter-in-place in the event of an emergency…

…the place you keep all your gear…

…the place your family sleeps… 

…and it’s surrounded by looters!

Now I hope that over the last few years of rioting and civil unrest in the United States it’s become clear to you that, you’ve got to have a plan to protect your home from the sudden threat of violence…

…but even if you think you have a plan for that… there’s a good chance that your “great plans” are full of holes… because…

There Are 3 Common Mistakes People Make When Protecting Their Homes From Looters!

Citizen's Guide To Protecting Yourself Against Looters During A Riot
Citizen’s Survival Guide To Protecting Your Home From Looters

It’s a hard, cold truth…

Any emergency can quickly plunge your town into a state of social chaos and bring violence right to your front door!

When the police are overwhelmed and 911 operators give up on even trying to answer the phone you’re the only one who will be there to defend yourself, your home and your family!

Just don’t make THESE mistakes along the way!

Mistake #1: Thinking It’s Going To Be Over Soon

Look, I get it…

You want things to go back to normal because normal is… well, normal.

However, if there’s one thing we learned from COVID-19… a crisis can drag on and on and on.

But it doesn’t take a plague to shut things down for weeks…

…it took the Army Corps of Engineers 43 days to pump all the flood waters out of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina!

People who had all kinds of advance warning of the disaster didn’t take it seriously.

When the power was out and there was no food… and they were stuck in their homes freaking out… because they thought that “unprecedented” meant the same thing as “impossible.”

You must allow yourself to realize as soon as possible that you’re going to have to take matters into your own hands.

That includes gearing up to protect your home from violent looters.

Mistake #2: Being Unprepared To Defend Their Lives

It’s a cold, hard fact…

During a serious crisis the police are simply not going to be able to protect you. 

For one thing, there’s barely enough of them to go around when things are “normal.”

For another… when things get really bad… a lot of cops are simply going to walk off the job… not because they’re “lazy” or “bad people”… but because they’re more concerned with protecting their own families than they are yours.

What this is means is that if there’s a collapse or even a short-term crisis, you can’t count on the police to defend your home or your life. 

You have to be prepared to do whatever is necessary to keep yourself and your family alive… without thinking that the cavalry is going to come and save you.

As much as possible, think through the steps you are going to take, or that you could be faced with, when it comes to defending your home.

That will help put you in a better position to take action when the time does come.

Mistake #3: Not Being There

Finally, a lot of people make the mistake of simply not being there.

In a collapse, if you want to protect your home, you’ve got to be there.

(You can’t expect your private army of security personnel to do it… because for most of us, they don’t exist.)

If you’ve bugged out to a neighbor’s house or you’re at a bar watching all this happen on the television, you won’t be there to defend your home.

Anything you do have, including your stockpiled supplies, your food, your water, your gear… it’s all going to be “up for grabs” to anyone with the will and the means to take it.

Now you need more of a plan than a list of “don’ts” to protect your home during civil unrest… but if you make any of these three mistakes… you can kiss your castle goodbye!

Are You Preparing Your Home For Defense Against Looters And Riots?

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