MCS 250 – Survival Gas Masks - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

MCS 250 – Survival Gas Masks

Have you ever seen a picture of a “prepper” in a gas mask?

Chances are good that you have, because the gas mask has become the go-to symbol of whackjob paranoid loons in popular media.

I see pictures of preppers in gas masks, holding rifles while standing in post-apocalyptic landscapes, all the time, and that’s bad. . .

. . . because the gas mask is a very REAL, very USEFUL tool that can safe your life and your family’s life.

Even if you get that, though, you have ANOTHER problem:

How do you know what to buy?

The fact is, there are a LOT of gas masks out there that will leave you choking on smoke, chemical fumes, or WORSE if the excrement hits the oscillating air mover.

To stay alive when you NEED a gas mask, you need to know how to shop for the RIGHT features. . . and how to avoid the BAD ONES.

In this week’s podcast episode, Modern Combat & Survival’s Jeff Anderson interviews gas mask expert Roman Zrazhevskiy of, in order to sort out what you should and shouldn’t be looking for in a gas mask.


Survival Gas Masks
Gas Masks: Why You Need One… How To Get One

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Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:

  • The very REAL threats a gas mask can protect you from (some of which will surprise you).
  • The 3 Biggest Myths about gas masks that TOO MANY preppers still believe!
  • The WORST features of commercial gas masks, which you should avoid at all costs!
  • What to look for in a gas mask that will actually keep you and your family members alive.
  • How to use your gas mask in an emergency without endangering your own life. . . or driving yourself insane!

The time to find out that your gas mask doesn’t work as advertised is NOT when you’re choking on CS gas, wildfire smoke, or something much worse.

Find out now what you should be looking for in a gas mask — so that you and your family will be protected when you need it most.

Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

What Other Scenarios Could You Use A Gas Mask In?

Please Share Your Tips In The Comments Below Now…

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