MCS 282 – 5 Knife Design Fails - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

MCS 282 – 5 Knife Design Fails


Knives are great tools.

They’re essential survival gear…

…and they are powerful self-defense weapons, too.

But a bad knife design isn’t just a problem.

It could get you hurt or even killed.

And no, I’m not kidding.

If you rely on your knife – and many of us do – you need it to perform.

But too many knife designers are looking to set their knives apart from others.

The result are blades that just… don’t… WORK.

In this week’s podcast episode, Modern Combat & Survival’s Buck Greene looks at 5 knife design “fails” that you should identify and avoid when you purchase your next survival or self-defense blade.

FAIL: Top 5 Worst Knife Designs

Best Survival Knife? 5 Knife Design Fails

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Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:

  • Why it’s a problem if your knife has “hot spots”.
  • Why a perfectly good knife can become a bad knife!
  • Why the grind on a knife’s edge matters… and how it can stop your knife from performing.
  • When a “solution in search of a problem” becomes an issue that can get in your way.
  • Why you should worry if your knife looks like something from a science fiction movie!

A good knife will serve you well for many years.

Learn how to tell if your next purchase is worth the money… and whether the knife you already carry should be thrown in the garbage!

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