MCS Podcast 42: Commando Handgun Disarm With Moni Aizik - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

MCS Podcast 42: Commando Handgun Disarm With Moni Aizik

My apologies for today’s podcast – it’s from our archives and…

… the audio sucks!

But please spare me the harsh comments because I have a good reason for not having our normal broadcast ready to go…

Problem is, my home town has been devastated by our worst flooding in recorded history and I’ve been helping out with relief efforts.

Homes are destroyed and people have lost their lives… but I didn’t want to break our routine any more than necessary so hopefully this old interview I did with “Commando Krav Maga” creator, Moni Aizik, will give you some good material to chew on.

Thanks for your understanding… and your prayers.

~ Jeff


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Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

What Are Some Other Pointers On Disarming A Handgun?

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