If you start your morning as a “sheepdog”… the “wolves” don’t stand a chance!
Whether you’re a soldier, police officer, or just the “protector” of your family, living a tactical lifestyle is what not only helps you avoid danger – and defeat it when called – but also allows you to face all of life’s challenges with grace, determination, drive, and courage.
Are YOU starting your day training as a “sheepdog”?
It’s more than just talk… it’s what you do from the time your eyes open in the morning.
And those next 1-2 hours can make a world of difference in how ready you are for the rest of the day… and even how much you accomplish in your life!
Morning Routine Tips For Sheepdog Lifestyle
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Here’s what you’ll find in this week’s episode…
- Why the military “owns the morning” and how to accomplish more before 6 am than most people will all day!
- The #1 tip of a 36-year Navy SEAL Admiral that will begin your day with the foundation of success that will carry you until bedtime!
- How to triple the power of your morning coffee while giving you more focus, clarity, and better health!
- How this “morning monk ritual” can make you better at the range AND closer to GOD (at the same time!)
- The most critical “sheepdog factor” you must master to truly be prepared for any of life’s dangers thrown at you and your family (Hint: It has nothing to do with your gun!)
My hope is that my morning “sheepdog routine” will help you face life more prepared than ever.
I look forward to hearing how it works for you!
Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:
- Claim your FREE Loot Locker membership and download our 1-page podcast cheat sheets in the Warrior Life Academy
- Tim Ferriss’ Podcast
- Admiral McRaven Speech
- “Bulletproof” Recipe
- Meditations For Warriors
- Advanced Military Workout