WL 387 – Dry-Fire Secrets To Make Your Firearms Training More Fun And Effective - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

WL 387 – Dry-Fire Secrets To Make Your Firearms Training More Fun And Effective

WL 387: Dry-Fire Myths and Fixes

Ok, if you own a gun for personal defense…

…I don’t have to be psychic to know that you’re NOT doing as much dry-fire training as you should.

In fact, I’d say that about 98% of you aren’t dry-fire training AT ALL!

Well, I’m about to change all that…

…By DESTROYING the top 5 myths I hear about WHY most shooters aren’t doing dry-fire!

In this this week’s podcast episode, warriors, I’ll also give you 5 quick-fixes for those 5 myths, all of which will make your at-home training so much more FUN and EFFECTIVE that they’ll have to drag you from your home tactical range kicking and screaming!

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Each week, our rag-tag team of hairy-backed mooks - along with some of the world's top experts - bring you "no B.S." tips, tricks, and tactics to level-up all your skills in tactical firearms training, urban survival, escape & evasion, and close-quarters combat self-defense!

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Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:

  • The biggest mistake everybody makes about the “efficacy” of dry-fire training.
  • A weird way to make your training more fun and exciting.
  • The EXCUSE everyone tells themselves when it comes to dry-fire training…
  • And much, much more!


As always, I’d love to hear from you on our blog regarding YOUR thoughts on this topic.

Share your tips, tricks, and thoughts with me… and help us build our Warrior Life community.

Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

Do You Agree Or Disagree? What Gear Do You Carry That We Haven’t Mentioned Here?
I’d Love To Hear What You Have To Say In The Comments!

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