You’re on your way to your car after picking up some milk at the local convenient store.
Suddenly a man comes out of the shadows.
He’s 30′ away… and you see the reflection of the moon shine off of a metal object in his hand.
He has a knife!
You drop your milk and draw your 9mm from your holster in time to get the drop on him.
But he’s hungry… and determined!
He sees you train your sights on his “center mass”… and suddenly he moves out of your line of fire as he charges!
Oh, did you think he was going to just stand there and let you plink away at him like your stationary paper targets down at the range?
No… you should have already trained for this “reality”… and in this week’s podcast episode, I’ll share a quick, fun way you can do it (even at home)!
Prepare For A REAL-LIFE Gunfight With Dry Fire Moving Target Drills
Here’s what you’ll discover in this week’s episode…
- How a trip to Walmart and 20 bucks can give you more realistic firearms training than your best trip to the range!
- Shooting at a moving target: It’s not the same as “target practice” with your buddies!
- Introductory dry-fire training exercise (you can even do at HOME!) that will prepare you for the “real thing”!
- Training for “multiple attackers” on the move!
Don’t let the live-fire range hold you back from being fully prepared to face a threat with your firearm!
This simple dry-fire training exercise will make it fun to develop your “at the ready” skills for a worst-case scenario!