Are You FAILING At Your Tactical Gun Training? - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

Are You FAILING At Your Tactical Gun Training?

Jeff Anderson
Jeff Anderson, Editor

We live in dangerous times.

That’s why I’m such a strong advocate for responsible concealed carry with a firearm.

But staying safe with a firearm requires more than just the Desert Eagle .50 caliber handgun and a few trips down to the range.

In fact, right now, if you carry concealed, you could be FAILING in your duties as a concealed carrier.

Is your training up to date?

Or are you setting yourself up for failure?

I talked to firearms expert EJ Owens about this issue, and here is a summary of what he had to say to me.

Are You FAILING At Your Tactical Gun Training?

Real Gunfight Tactical Training Tips - Survive A Real Life Street Gunfight
Real Gunfight Tactical Training Tips – Survive A Real Life Street Gunfight
EJ Owens

The thing to remember is that your gun training does NOT stop at getting your CCW permit.

The training you’ll go through to get a permit is basic-level stuff at BEST.

Some states don’t do much more than give you safety advice, while others don’t require a training component at all.

You owe it to yourself to get proper, modern, up-to-date tactical gun training.

It could save your life and the lives of your family members.

Here are three tips to prevent you from failing in your training:

1. Your Training Doesn’t Have To Happen Overnight

How long do you think your training should take?

It’s more than a couple of weekends plinking away with your new pistol.

An expert requires 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert.

Most gun owners never shoot even 3,000 rounds of ammo over the lifetime of their gun.

You’ll have to spend a lot of weeks, months, and even years putting in the hours of dry fire, live fire, force-on-force training, and so on, to become truly well trained.

It’s worth it because it could save your life and the lives of your family members.

It just takes time.

The good news is, you don’t have to do it right away.

You can put the time in by making it part of your lifestyle.

Put in the time and you’ll reap the benefits… but don’t expect it to happen instantaneously.

2.Training Evolves

Let’s say that ten or twenty years ago, you used to do a LOT of firearms training.

Then you fell out of the habit.

Still think what you do is accurate, correct, and up to date?

Of course it isn’t.

What was considered “correct” years ago may be considered incorrect now.

Remember the largely discredited “speed rock” technique?

Nobody does it anymore… but some years back, it was considered a valid CQC method.

You have to put in the time to get your training up to date because some of what you are taught will eventually be replaced by better methods.

If you’re still doing things the way they did them ten years ago, it may be time to upgrade.

3. Many People Lack Low-Light Training

Many altercations happen in low light conditions.

If you’re not getting training to shoot when it’s dark, you’re failing.

Do you want to fail to hit a target before it hits you because you couldn’t see it?

Worse, do you want to shoot an innocent because you couldn’t see that he or she was not the threat?

Make sure you acquire low light skills BEFORE you need them.

Gun training is a life and death matter.

You can’t afford to just get your CCW and consider yourself done!

What these three things have in common is that they’re all lifestyle related.

CCW and training for CQC gunfighting should become part of your daily life.

Invest the time and the training for the best results.

How Do You Train With A Firearm? How Should Beginners Get Started?

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