Anatomy Of A REAL Gunfight - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

Anatomy Of A REAL Gunfight

Have you ever watched a gunfight on television or in the movies?

We all have, and you’d think most people would KNOW a single bullet can’t send you flying through the air like one of John Wick’s enemies. . .

. . .or blow a hole the size of a dinner plate through his chest!

The sad fact is, though a lot of “newbie” gun-owners out there DON’T realize this isn’t real.

Everything Hollywood has taught them is wrong, wrong, wrong. . . and there are REAL LIFE news stories about people shooting after cars – action-movie style – who end up going to jail for it.

The fact is, TOO MANY gun owners are NOT prepared to protect their loved ones with their firearm for real!

I know that’s a very in-your-face statement, but it’s absolutely true, because most people have never been in a real gunfight.

We actually analyzed over 200 real-life gunfights caught on camera.

Here’s what we learned about how a real gunfight goes down.

The Anatomy Of A REAL Shooting: What ACTUALLY Happens In A Gunfight!

Anatomy Of A Real Gunfight
Real Gunfight Training Tactics

Over and over again, three facts screamed at us from the real-life gunfight footage we looked at.

Let’s look at each one:

1. You’re Going To Move

In the movies, “cool guys don’t look at explosions.”

We’ve been fed a steady diet of Hollywood tough guys who stand immobile as gunfire explodes all around them, calmly choosing their shots and picking off the bad-guys.

In reality though, you’re going to move…

You’ll crouch down, as adrenaline and “fight or flight” reactions SCREAM at you to make as small a target of yourself as possible. This prevents you from moving effectively, slowing you down as you wander aimlessly.

You’ll duck your head, tucking your chin as you instinctively protect your neck and throat. This lowers your guard and leaves you vulnerable to head strikes.

You’ll tend to move, usually STRAIGHT BACK, which is absolutely what you DON’T want to do. If you don’t get off the attacking line you’ll just get run over.

Remember, most of these attacks happen at extreme close quarters.

Your reactions will be slow because, when you’re surprised by a sudden threat, you have to go through the OODA Loop.”

This is where you Observe the threat, Orient yourself to it, Decide what to do, and finally Act.

Your attacker has already gone through this loop in his mind.

He’s acting – and you’re reacting… which puts you behind the curve from the very start!

2. Fancy Stances Won’t Work

There was a time when everybody was learning the Weaver stance.

Modern training drifted more toward the isosceles stance because it was MORE natural… but it still isn’t what I’d call a natural, balanced position.

That “nose over toes” posture is just as bad as the Weaver in some ways.

In a real fight, you need to take a balanced fighting stance like you would if someone was throwing a punch at you.

Remember, this isn’t just a gunfight. . . It’s a gun FIGHT!

You may have to fight your way to your gun, and even after you’ve fired several rounds, you might end up having to grapple with an attacker who has closed the distance.

The only way to do this is from a natural fighting stance.

3. You Won’t Use Your Sights

Too many armed citizens are practicing for tight shot groups at long distances.

That’s NOT how you’re going to shoot in a real gunfight!

You won’t have one eye closed, that’s for sure. . . because in a real fight, both your eyes will be wide open.

You’ll be focused on the attacker, on the threat, as your brain demands you take in data so you can make decisions in order to stay alive.

Your eyes will naturally track the attacker… and because of that, you won’t be focusing on your front sight.

You’ve GOT to be prepared to shoot without your sights at extreme close quarters.

If you’re not following these principles, you’re setting yourself up for a potentially traumatic wake-up call… that could cost you your life!

I know, it sounds like a lot to take in. . . and it is.

If you want to dig deeper on how I train for real attacks, you might want to check out this report.

Just be warned…

I don’t follow popular opinion when it comes to firearms training so some of what you read may actually be the OPPOSITE of what you’ve been taught in the past.

(For example, one of the things I learned in our stopping power analysis of over 6,000 real-world gunfights is that the #1 survivability factor is getting behind effective cover to stop any bullets headed your way.)

All I ask is that you keep an open mind… and be willing to try something completely new in how you prepare for the reality of a street attack.

“The truth will set you free!” as they say, right? 🙂


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