I admit it… my wife hates guns.
I’ve given up on convincing, pleading, begging (and therapy) to try to convince her to take her safety more serious.
Nothing seems to work.
If you’re a husband, boyfriend, father, or brother with a “gun-reluctant” girl in your life, you can probably relate, eh?
Well if you want some straight answers on how to get that special woman in your life to be more safety-conscious (dare I say to even love guns?), then who better to ask than another woman who knows her stuff, right?
That’s where Carrie Lightfoot comes in!
In this week’s podcast, Carrie provides “Dear Abby”-like advice that may just have that special someone shooting even better than YOU in no time!
Talking To Your Girl About Guns!
Here’s what you’ll find in this week’s episode…
- Women are from Venus! That’s right guys… women don’t think like we do and you need to understand the emotions they have (and the “excuses” they tell themselves) about guns if you ever want her to come around to putting a finger on a trigger!
- Men are from Mars! Apparently on Mars, dudes are just as clueless about “fixing” their women to think like they do. Discover the absolute WORST ways to get your spouse to warm up to firearms… and what to do about it!
- Gentle “step-by-step” persuasion advice for “real men”! No “tricks” here… just real-world “how-to” solutions for approaching the topic of self-protection from a positive direction.
Oh, and the added benefit?
Apply these “listen & learn” tactics to other areas of your relationship and you may be in for a pleasant surprise outside of the range as well!
You’re welcome. 🙂