What EVERY Gun Owner NEEDS To Know About Off-Body Carry - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

What EVERY Gun Owner NEEDS To Know About Off-Body Carry

Debate it all you want…

There’s no one “best” way to carry concealed for everyone. 

Still, a lot of people won’t even consider off-body carry… but they should… because there are a lot of clear advantages to off-body carry.

I hear a lot of the same objections over and over again when it comes to off-body carry…

Some worry about getting to the weapon in time, picturing themselves sorting through clutter while they hunt for their gun…

Others are concerned about having the bag grabbed… either during a melee or by a bag-snatching thief…

Still others don’t want to be “that guy” whose gun goes off in his bag from jostling around with everything else in there… 

And many haven’t even considered any of these factors… they’ve just dismissed off-body carry as “dangerous”… without giving it a second thought!

Any responsible gun owner needs to consider their ability to control and access their weapon at all times…

But there’s no reason you can’t control a weapon when you carry off-body… maintaining easy access while preventing any “bad guys” from getting hold of it…

And off-body carry offers a number of benefits, whether you carry everywhere you go… or just think you “should.” 

What EVERY Gun Owner Should Know About Off-Body Carry

Off Body Concealed Carry Tactics
Off-Body Concealed Carry Tactics

Why YOU Should Consider Carrying Off-Body!

The clear first question is “why would you carry off-body in the first place?”

The main benefit provided by off-body carry is versatility. 

Whether you’re in a pair of baggy cargo pants or Ranger pantiesyou’re far less likely to print if you carry off-body!

So wear whatever you like… your carry bag won’t change.

Carrying off-body also affords you with a greater variety of weapons to choose from for concealed carry… and you don’t have to get a new holster every time you buy a new gun. 

When you off-body carry the gun isn’t jammed against you.

This makes for a more comfortable carrying experience… which, in turns, means you are more likely to actually carry on a daily basis.

So if you’re one of the 70 percent of permitted Americans who don’t carry every time they leave the house… you NEED to consider off-body carry. 

And for the rest of you, there are potentially HUGE benefits to carrying off-body, even if you choose to put a backup gun in the bag.

Off-Body Carry Lets You Pack More Than Just Heat

You know you “should be carrying extra ammobut you don’t.

You know you “should” be carrying a first aid kitbut you don’t.

You know you “should” be carrying a flashlightbut you don’t. 

Well… the right off-body carry bag holds everything you need for a real-life gunfight without impairing your ability to retrieve your weapon when you need it right away.

Because a purpose-built off-body carry bag will have a dedicated pocket just for your firearm!

Sure, you don’t want it to be too heavy and bulky… but you can carry all kinds of gear easily and comfortably in your off-body carry bag… allowing you to be more prepared for gunfights or other emergencies.

What Your Off-Body Carry Bag Needs (Other Than A Gun)

  • Extra Ammunition: Semi-automatics are great, but they do jam… and then changing magazines might be your best option. And while most firefights are over with just a few rounds spent total, you’d hate to lose a gunfight because you didn’t bring a spare magazine or three.
  • Medical Gear: You might want it for the guy you just shot if you’re a particularly forgiving soul… but there’s also your family, innocent bystanders or even yourself to think of. A good basic First Aid kit for an off-body carry bag should include tourniquets, gauze, pressure bandages, QuickClot and personal medical data on a USB drive.
  • Communications: Whether it’s your regular cellphone, a backup burner or something else that you’re using to communicate, put it in your off-body carry bag.
  • Flashlight: Just like you don’t want to get killed because you didn’t bring extra ammo, likewise you don’t want to die because the other guy can see and you can’t.
  • Cutting Tool or Glass Breaker: Something to break glass is always good to have around. And if you have one, you might be able to avoid the gunfight entirely… effectively winning it.

Choosing The RIGHT Off-Body Carry Bag

It always bears repeating…

The first rule of a gunfight is: have a gun!

And the first rule of off-body carry is…

Treat your bag like a holster, because it is one.

If you’re serious about carrying concealed, you have to take as much care selecting your holster as you do your weapon.

This is even more true when you carry off body, because of the additional complications off-body carry presents.

Your Off-Body Bag Needs To Be DESIGNED FOR Carrying!

Just tossing your firearm in any old messenger bag or briefcase isn’t good enough.

Yes, you’ve got a gun with you.

But can you get to it when you need it?

Is your bag easily accessible on your body?

Is your weapon buried underneath a bunch of clutter you’ll have to sort through to find it?

Is your gun safely stored somewhere where it won’t get thrown around, bumping up against everything else in your bag?

Your bag, as a holster, should have a sturdy, dedicated pocket for the gun that you can easily access when you need to!

Nothing else should be kept in that pocket.

Your trigger guard should be covered completely.

Your bag must be mobile or you are severely restricting your ability to access your weapon when and where you need it.

Consider how much (and how quickly) a fanny pack or purse can be moved as compared to a backpack.

Maybe a fanny pack or purse isn’t really your style… and that’s fine.

Backpacks can be great for off-body carry provided that it’s a sling-style backpack that can easily be moved around your body and is designed with off-body carry in mind.

This allows you to quickly and easily get to your weapon without removing your bag.

How To Train For Off-Body Carry

When you carry off-body you’re not just reaching into your jeans and pulling out a weapon.

So what do you have to think about when you carry off-body?

First and foremost you have to know your gear like the back of your hand… bag and weapon alike.

You must maintain positive control of your bag at all times!

Your bag should be close to your body, not flopping around somewhere your opponent can grab onto it or even take it from you!

Drawing Your Weapon When Carrying Off-Body

Do not open the bag until you have control of it.

Once the bag is open, the first thing you should do is get a good firing grip on your weapon… don’t fumble the bag on your draw!

When you remove the weapon from the bag, bring your weapon straight up, clear the bag and orient your weapon toward the target…

Then extend your arms, grip with two hands and drop the bag!

Off-Body Training Pro Tips

A training gun is always helpful when you want to train with maximum realism and safety…

That can be a SIRT pistol, an Airsoft pistol or even a rubber trainer gun.

Train your draw and grip from optimal positions, then move to less optimal positions… be ready for anything!

Being ready for anything includes force-on-force training with a trusted partner and other stress-inducing training scenarios, such as sensory overload.

Train hard and keep the basic principles in mind and you can save your life.

Do You Carry Off Body? How And Where Do You Carry Your Gun?

Let Us Know What You Think In The Comments Now…

  • Doug's Dad says:

    How about a few sources for off-body bags?

  • I have your scram with a concealed carry compartment.

  • Ankle carry is better than off body yet no one talks about it. It was good enough for Tommy Lee Jones. I can ankle carry with no imprint and no one would expect it.

  • Bulletcatcher says:

    I carry both ways yet mostly with my 11 year old maxpedition bag. It’s amazing and allows for plenty of “organized” carry. A place for everything.

  • I have and use a concealed-carry bag — but I would be interested to see what you recommend. Do you have any links you could share?

  • Wayne R Saylor says:

    sounds like your trying to sell yet another thing you want me to carry. no thanks

    • You sound jaded This article sounds like a perspective is being offered so that in can be considered

  • I have another reason to carry off-body, in my case in a backpack. My gun is located in a side pocket which zips up to open. On the zipper itself I have a rock-climbing type fastener which is easier to grab than the zipper for quick un-zipping. One other reason to carry this way is in the event of an active shooter situation, I don’t necessarily have to immediately take my weapon out of my bag. I can unzip and grip my gun and start moving to safety or to get within safe shooting range of the attacker without brandishing my gun and taking the risk of being misidentified as the bad guy. Once I’m ready to shoot, I can quickly take the gun out to aim. If I have to shoot more quickly (or instinctively), I can do it with my gun still in the bag (although it’s a little tough to dry-fire practice since I can’t tell how accurate my shots are).

  • I like a shoulder holster as it is basically un-noticed with even a light coat/windbreaker on, and it is quick to retrieve. It takes longer to get out the body bag and excavator.

  • I purse carry. I have a couple of conceal carry purses from Montana West. My favorite off body carry is Packin’ Neat by Kristen. Love it the best. I have the large and small insert that keeps my gun in the holster that comes with it. It holds my gun, extra cartridge, multi-tool, small 1st aid kit, knife & emergency whistle. It leavs room for other things I carry in my purse like a wallet, etc.

  • Ask the FBI agent (if he’s still around) from the 1986 Miami shoot out for his thoughts about off body carry, especially since he had to use his backup because when the car crashed and his duty weapon went flying on the floor someplace, he couldn’t find it!

  • Horace R Busch says:

    Great info. I’ve really not liked the idea of body carry anyway. Seems like I might accidentally shoot the wrong “pistol”…or shoot myself in the buttock! Scary! Thanks.

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