Glenn Hairston
Glenn Hairston is a police detective, a former federal officer, corporate security specialist and certified instructor of defensive and combative arts. With over 40 years of martial arts training, Glenn has instructed police officers, high level security agents and the U.S. Marines. His unique application of Tai Chi Chuan for combative purposes is a welcome change to the industry.
Sifu Glenn Hairston began his tai-chi training in the 1970's under the instruction of Master Yung-Ko-Chou from Manchuria, learning the Yang Style long form, Push Hands & Free Hand Fighting Skill as well as several other forms of Tai Chi.
Glenn is a law enforcement/security professional who for the past twenty-five years through his company Specialist Defensive Training has provided lectures, consultation, training video's and a variety of specialized programs tailored to meet the needs of various corporations, businesses and organizations. Specialist Defensive Training Co. offers a variety of training options, however, the primary approach of (S.D.T.) is a hands on pugilistic method that is the result of actual field experience.
His personal background includes: former federal law enforcement, local law enforcement, certified (PPS) personal protection specialist, certified security specialist, certified lethal weapons instructor, U.S. department of justice certified defensive tactics instructor, international police instructor, counter terrorism certifications, certified dignitary/witness protection agent, law enforcement (special instructor), law enforcement (general instructor), and over forty years in the field of martial arts to include Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Okinawa systems.
Mr. Hairston has provided instruction and training for a variety of entities such as law enforcement agencies and academies, the U.S. military, security institutes and other organizations requiring specialized training. He also provides his expertise to the film industry. Mr. Hairston has acted in such films as Off White and Silence Of the Lambs.