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Guy Smith


Guy Smith is a writer, songwriter and political provocateur. At times Smith has been a cowboy, surfer, computer guru and a marketing strategist. Throughout he has been a libertarian committed to expanding all freedoms and dressing down politicians in the process. "Once elected, you're my employee and whipping boy."

The Gun Facts book was originally a personal crib sheet – a collection of notes about gun control and the utter failure thereof. Smith began sharing his notes with others in the late 1990's and discovered that most activists faced the same problem: there was a mountain of real information exposing the fallacy of gun control and no reference book for rapidly finding these facts to debunk any given gun control myth.

Since inception, Gun Facts as been downloaded into more than 165 countries with well over a million direct copies in circulation (since Gun Facts can be freely copied and passed along, the viral spread is many millions of copies). Gun Facts has been cited in testimony before state public safety commissions and has been cited in a number of book including extensive coverage in Armed Response by David Kenik.

Smith contributes Op/Ed pieces to major metropolitan newspapers (San Francisco Chronicle, Oakland Tribune). He has published over 150 magazine articles and has published or is working on both fiction and non-fiction books. Smith appears frequently on talk radio programs and was an invited speaker at the 2005/2008/2010 Gun Rights Policy Conferences.