Our Warrior Network...

"Ammo Dan" Morton
“Ammo Dan” Morton is the founder of AmmoSquared Inc., a company simplifying ammunition ownership.
Morton developed an innovative approach allowing customers to...[Learn more about "Ammo Dan" Morton]

Adam Winch
Adam Winch spent 8 years as a military police officer in the Army Reserves and Colorado National Guard, and over 10 years as a Grand Junction, Colorado PD officer, serving as...[Learn more about Adam Winch]

Alain Burrese
Alain Burrese is a former 82nd Airborne infantry paratrooper and Sniper School Instructor.
But it was his actual experiences that provided the backbone for hi...[Learn more about Alain Burrese]

Albert Timen
Albert Timen is a former Elite Counter Intelligence undercover unit member for the IDF as well as a LOTAR and CQB instructor for various Police S.W.A.T. schools. Albert i...[Learn more about Albert Timen]

Andrew Netschay
Andrew Netschay's experience spans more than 24 years of intense training and research, culminating into his creation of the >confront< self defense program, a complete syste...[Learn more about Andrew Netschay]

Avi Nardia
Avi Nardia is a former intelligence team member of unit YAMAM, Israel's premier counterterror takeover unit, equivalent to the U.S. Delta Fore and F.B.I's H.R.T. (Hostage Rescue Tea...[Learn more about Avi Nardia]

Bas Rutten
Winner of over 200 vicious street fights, the legendary Bas Rutten is one of the most dynamic and versatile fighters the sport of No-Holds-Barred combat has ever seen. Known for h...[Learn more about Bas Rutten]

Benjamin Bradak
Benjamin Bradak is a lifelong martial artist who holds a 5th degree black belt (the rank of Associate Professor) in Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate, which...[Learn more about Benjamin Bradak]

Bill Kipp
With over 20 years of teaching this highly specialized training, Bill Kipp has logged over 50,000 live adrenal stress scenarios against students ranging from childre...[Learn more about Bill Kipp]

Bram Frank
Bram Frank is known worldwide for his contributions in improving edged weapon tactics, including his design of tactical folding knives and less-lethal control tools like the Close Range Med...[Learn more about Bram Frank]

Brian McLaughlin
Brian McLaughlin is a combat veteran of the War On Terror, attached to the Marines in Afghanistan, who cut his teeth on trauma medicine working initially in Emergen...[Learn more about Brian McLaughlin]

Brian Morris
Brian Morris is a retired US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant. Serving on active duty for over twenty-five years, he s...[Learn more about Brian Morris]

Brian Stein
Brian Stein's earliest childhood memories center around the Asian martial arts and the use of firearms. He was taught Jujutsu and Karate by his frie...[Learn more about Brian Stein]

Caleb Lee
Caleb Lee is the #1 best-selling author of "Concealed Carry 101" and founder of Prepared Gun-Owners, a website dedicated to sharing information about self-defense,...[Learn more about Caleb Lee]

Carl Cestari
The late Carl Cestari (1958-2007) began his study of the martial arts with judo at the age of 7 under the direction of Yoshisada Yonezuka. For over forty years, Carl dedicated...[Learn more about Carl Cestari]

Carrie Lightfoot
Carrie Lightfoot is the founder and owner of The Well-Armed Woman, LLC, the largest and most trusted women’s resource, committed to bringing innovative products, tra...[Learn more about Carrie Lightfoot]

Chad Cooper
For over 16 years, Chad Cooper has been proactively involved in serving and protecting our great nation.
With a background in both the military and law enf...[Learn more about Chad Cooper]

Charley Hogwood
Charley is Chief Instructor on emergency preparedness and disaster readiness and author of the leading resource on how to build a survival group, titled “How to Plan, Organize a...[Learn more about Charley Hogwood]

Chris Fry
Chris is a life-long martial arts student and instructor who has specialized in high-intensity force-on-force combative simulation training since 1990.
Chris holds ins...[Learn more about Chris Fry]

Chris Sajnog
Although he’s done taking out terrorists, Chris Sajnog is still on a mission: To help others learn to live their lives as true warriors.
He spe...[Learn more about Chris Sajnog]

Contractor X
Website: www...
Name Redacted is an internationally-recognized expert on high-threat protection in hostile and semi-permissive environments.
As a combat veteran, he has over 12 years, boots-on-the-ground experience working in various hot-zones like Africa, ...[Learn more about Contractor X]

Craig Douglas
Craig Douglas has over 30 years of martial arts study in a variety of disciplines.
In the military, he was an Army Ranger and after his service, spent 21 years as a police o...[Learn more about Craig Douglas]

Da'Mon Stith
Da’mon is a combatives and bladed weapons expert who has been fascinated with blades since he was six years old.
Since that time, he has made the “way of the warrior...[Learn more about Da'Mon Stith]

Damian Ross
Damian Ross is the founder of the Self Defense Company, the world leader of tactical self defense training.
Together with a global network of in...[Learn more about Damian Ross]

Dan John
Dan John has spent his life with one foot in the world of lifting and throwing, and the other foot in academia. An All-American discus thrower, Dan has also competed ...[Learn more about Dan John]

Dave Grossman
Lt. Col. Grossman is an Airborne Ranger infantry officer, and a prior-service sergeant and paratrooper, with a total of over 23 years experience in leading U.S. soldiers worldwide.[Learn more about Dave Grossman]

David Hallford
Since the mid '90's, David Hallford has studied, trained and developed realistic 'street' usable self-defense techniques that are designed to work against real-life assaults that happen...[Learn more about David Hallford]

Dennis Martin
Dennis Martin started training in Karate in 1965 and later took his skill set to the doors of Liverpool nightclubs and at the side of prestigious clients as a bod...[Learn more about Dennis Martin]

Dik Chance
Dik Chance has worked for 25 years for the UK Ministry of Defence and is an expert on fear in all its guises. Growing up in the most violent areas of the UK, Dik came to ...[Learn more about Dik Chance]

Doron Benbenisty
Doron Benbenisty is the owner and founder of CRI – Counter Terrorism Training School, Inc. Doron’s extensive background in Counter Terrorism began with his service in th...[Learn more about Doron Benbenisty]

Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy
Joseph and Amy Alton (better known as "Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy") are well known in the prepper world as medical experts and Certified Master Gardeners with the goal of bringing yo...[Learn more about Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy]

EJ Owens
EJ Owens is a professional firearms trainer, author, and consultant whose company, Legally Concealed, trains responsibly armed citizens in advanced...[Learn more about EJ Owens]

Eric Fehrman
Eric Fehrman is President of the American Tomahawk Company and founder of Fehrman Knives.
When your situation turns ferocious, you want weapons that are just as fero...[Learn more about Eric Fehrman]

Erich Jameson
Erich Jameson is the owner and Chief Editor of the popular Tactical Intelligence preparedness blog where he’s created an open forum of knowledge related...[Learn more about Erich Jameson]

F.J. Bohan
Frank is the author of several survival books and, with over 30 years experience as a survivalist and a homesteader, is happy to share the lessons he has learned fro...[Learn more about F.J. Bohan]

Frank Ahearn
For the past thirty years, Frank M. Ahearn has been in a business that resembles a game of international hide and seek.
He was the number one skip tracer in the world, h...[Learn more about Frank Ahearn]

Garret Machine
Garret Machine was destined for a warrior's role in life. After graduating from Pennsylvania's Valley Forge Military Academy as a youth, Garret later traveled to Israe...[Learn more about Garret Machine]

Glenn Hairston
Glenn Hairston is a police detective, a former federal officer, corporate security specialist and certified instructor of defensive and combative arts. With over 40 years...[Learn more about Glenn Hairston]

Glenn Meder
Glenn Meder knows water.
Specifically, how to “manufacture” clean, drinkable water on-demand during any crisis, disaster, or collapse.
From h...[Learn more about Glenn Meder]

Glenn Tate
Glenn Tate has over 21 years experience educating military U.S. Special Operations personnel (Ranger, Special Forces, DELTA, SEAL) and elite Law Enforcem...[Learn more about Glenn Tate]

Guy Smith
Guy Smith is a writer, songwriter and political provocateur. At times Smith has been a cowboy, surfer, computer guru and a marketing strategist. Throughout he has been a libertarian...[Learn more about Guy Smith]

Ian Kenney
Ian Kenney is a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom and has served in the Army National Guard for six years, all of that time spent in a re...[Learn more about Ian Kenney]

Jacob Paulsen
Jacob Paulsen is the President of ConcealedCarry.com - a primary fixture in the online tactical firearms training arena, as well as a provider for both in-person and o...[Learn more about Jacob Paulsen]

Jake Sepulveda
With over 19 years experience in the field of zombies, and a penchant for being ultra-creative and altruistic, Jake Sepulveda’s got a plan for everything… the wherewithal to make it...[Learn more about Jake Sepulveda]

Jason Hanson
A former police officer, Jason later set his sites toward The Central Intelligence Agency, spending nearly a decade in the CIA, earning 2 Exceptional Performance A...[Learn more about Jason Hanson]

Jeff Anderson
As a lifelong student of what he calls "survival arts", it was Jeff Anderson’s military training that led him to seek out strategies that would protect not only himself on the battlefield... but also pr...[Learn more about Jeff Anderson]

Jeff Johnsgaard
Jeff Johnsgaard is a full-time police officer and declared to be the official heir to the Center Axis Relock system by its creator, Paul Castle, before his prema...[Learn more about Jeff Johnsgaard]

Jeff Kirkham
Jeff Kirkham spent almost 29 years as a Green Beret (18ZVW7/W8), with just over 8 years "boots on the ground" in Afghanistan and Iraq as a member of a counter terrorist direct action un...[Learn more about Jeff Kirkham]

Jeffrey Miller
Mr. Miller is a 9th degree master teacher in the centuries old martial arts of Ninjutsu, Budo Taijutsu, and several other ancient armed and unarmed com...[Learn more about Jeffrey Miller]

Jeffrey Olson
Jeff Olson is a former Air Force Law Enforcement Specialist with experience in counterterrorism operations, force protection, and Emergency Medical Services.
[Learn more about Jeffrey Olson]
Jermaine Andre
Jermaine Andre has trained in numerous martial arts since his early childhood, including - but not limited to - to Muay Thai Kick Boxing, Russian Sambo, Brazilian Jiu Ji...[Learn more about Jermaine Andre]

Jim Cobb
Jim Cobb is a recognized authority and consultant on disaster readiness planning.
He has written several books on the subject and is a frequent contributor to nich...[Learn more about Jim Cobb]

Jim Wagner
Jim Wagner is a former soldier, corrections officer, police officer, SWAT officer, diplomatic bodyguard, and recent counterterrorist for the U.S. Government after ...[Learn more about Jim Wagner]

Joel Skousen
Joel Skousen is a world-renowned political scientist and "strategic relocation" expert.
Specializing in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory, Joel and is also...[Learn more about Joel Skousen]

John Whitehead
John Whitehead is a leading attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the defense of constitutional law and human rights.
His mission for prote...[Learn more about John Whitehead]

Jonathan Hollerman
Jonathan Hollerman is a former Air Force elite S.E.R.E. instructor where he’s trained hundreds of students in how to survive under the most extreme circumstances -...[Learn more about Jonathan Hollerman]

Joseph Teti
Joe Teti is a veteran of both US military and US government special operations units.
In the military, Joe served as a Force Recon Marine and an Army Special Forces “Green Be...[Learn more about Joseph Teti]

Kevin Estela
Kevin is the Owner and Head Instructor of Estela Wilderness Education and a regular contributing author for various websites and magazines.
He’s also a guest speaker a...[Learn more about Kevin Estela]

Kevin Reeve
Kevin Reeve is the founder and Director of onPoint Tactical, the leading provider of training in Urban Survival and Escape and Evasion. onPoint has trained many member...[Learn more about Kevin Reeve]

Kris Paronto
Kris Paronto is a former Army Ranger from the 2nd Bat, 75th Regiment and a private security contractor who's deployed throughout South America, Central America, the Midd...[Learn more about Kris Paronto]

Larry Wick
Larry Wick began his training in the martial arts more than 40 years ago. Wick, a veteran instructor and high-ranked Tang Soo Do black belt, sits on the World ...[Learn more about Larry Wick]

Lee Morrison
Lee Morrison had to learn how to defend himself the HARD WAY...from being the bullied new kid at school to working some tough doors at UK night clubs. In the end, Lee...[Learn more about Lee Morrison]

Leo Gaje
Leo Gaje, is the Supreme Grandmaster of the Pekiti-Tirsia Kali system by virtue as the sole inheritor from his maternal Grandfather, Grand Tuhon Conrado B. Tortal.
...[Learn more about Leo Gaje]
Lisa Bedford
Lisa Bedford is the founder of The Survival Mom. She’s become a trusted resource for individuals and families seeking practical advice and guidance in preparing for var...[Learn more about Lisa Bedford]

Loren Christensen
Loren Christensen began his martial arts training in 1965 and over the years he has earned 11 black belts, 8 in karate, 2 in jujitsu, 1 in arnis. He is also an accomplished author, ...[Learn more about Loren Christensen]

Louis Awerbuck
Louis Awerbuck served in 1 Special Services Battalion in the South African Defence Force, and was a member of the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA), ...[Learn more about Louis Awerbuck]

Lt. Colonel Al Ridenhour USMC
Lt. Colonel Al Ridenhour, USMC is a military commander and combat veteran who discovered that flowery martial arts moves weren't going to be the ...[Learn more about Lt. Colonel Al Ridenhour USMC]

Marc 'Animal' MacYoung
Growing up on the gang-infested streets of Los Angeles not only gave Marc MacYoung his street name "Animal," but also extensive firsthand experience about ...[Learn more about Marc 'Animal' MacYoung]

Marjory Wildcraft
Marjory Wildcraft is the founder of The Grow Network, which is a community of people focused on modern self-sufficient living.
She has been featured by National G...[Learn more about Marjory Wildcraft]

Massad Ayoob
Massad Ayoob has been handgun editor of GUNS magazine and law enforcement editor of AMERICAN HANDGUNNER since the 1970s, and has published thousands of articles in gun m...[Learn more about Massad Ayoob]

Matt Numrich
Standing just 5'8" and weighing in at just 165 lbs, Sifu Matt Numrich is only a handful of fully certified instructors in Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. He's combined his st...[Learn more about Matt Numrich]

Max Velocity
Max is a tactical, self-defense trainer and author as well as a lifelong soldier with extensive military experience, serving both the British and US Armies.
...[Learn more about Max Velocity]
Melissa Norris
Melissa K. Norris is a 5th generation homesteader and lives with her husband and two kids in their own little house in the big woods in the foothills of th...[Learn more about Melissa Norris]

Melissa Soalt
A frontrunner in full-force (padded-attacker) training methods since 1986, Melissa has taught thousands of women how to protect themselves from danger and summon their primal ins...[Learn more about Melissa Soalt]

Micah Noe
Micah Noe is the Head Instructor for Ghost Ring Tactical and a leading expert in defensive shooting with everything from pistols for concealed carry and home defe...[Learn more about Micah Noe]

Michael de Bethencourt
Michael de Bethencourt is the chief trainer for SnubTraining.com, specializing in courses on snub revolver, weapon disarming and retention, and folding knife skills, for both la...[Learn more about Michael de Bethencourt]

Michael Pace
Michael Pace has had a broad background in a number of different styles and disciplines but his main course of study has been Okinawan karate. His methods of self ...[Learn more about Michael Pace]

Mike Adams
Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger”, is activist-turned-scientist and the founder of Natural News, a science-based natural health advocacy organization whose mission is to expose co...[Learn more about Mike Adams]

Mike Gillette
Mike Gillette has a life story that reads like an action-adventure novel. A life which has proven to be his own best case-study for goal attainment.
Growing up a...[Learn more about Mike Gillette]

Mike Lee Kanarek
Mike Lee Kanarek was a member of a hard-core small team Special Ops unit of the Israeli Defense Forces that operated behind enemy lines where extreme violence was daily ro...[Learn more about Mike Lee Kanarek]

Moni Aizik
Moni Aizik, founder of the Israeli based fighting system, Commando Krav Maga and the creator of Combat Survival, is a leader in providing real hand-to-hand combat and we...[Learn more about Moni Aizik]

Natalie Strong
Are you a woman who wants to be able to defend yourself, but feel overwhelmed by how much there is to learn?
Struggling with choosing a gun, finding the right h...[Learn more about Natalie Strong]

Nick Rians
Sgt. Nick Rians is a former US Marine infantryman and police officer who specializes in tactical training for the real world!
An urban warfare specialist, Ni...[Learn more about Nick Rians]

Nik Farooqui
Nik Farooqui is a Chicago/Dallas based instructor, author, and expert in Personal Defensive Tactics.
His 25+ year background in martial arts studies, nearly 20 years of ...[Learn more about Nik Farooqui]

Nila Rhoades
Nila Rhoades is a wife, a mother, and a firearms instructor.
Together with her husband (who has been in the Army for two decades and who was a civilian contractor with the...[Learn more about Nila Rhoades]

Norm Bettencourt
On the 'small' side at only 5'6 and weighing 170 pounds, Norm Bettencourt isn't what you would picture when you think of a bouncer or bodyguard. Yet he's worked some o...[Learn more about Norm Bettencourt]

Omari Broussard
Omari Broussard is the founder of 10X Defense in San Diego, California.
He is also a lead Combat Focus Shooting instructor and adjunct instructor for I.C.E. Training Compa...[Learn more about Omari Broussard]

"Ox" is VERY tied into the alphabet agency crowd on the intel side and has worked with several representatives on joint tactical programs, such as the best...[Learn more about Ox ]

Pat Henry
A proud U.S. Army veteran, husband, father, and patriot, Pat Henry became troubled with the direction of our country and the rest of the world.
With the ...[Learn more about Pat Henry]

Peyton Quinn
Although Peyton Quinn had studied traditional martial arts since the age of 14, it was his experience as a bouncer that changed his entire outlook on the practical application...[Learn more about Peyton Quinn]

Ralph Thorn
Ralph Thorn has taken the knife community by storm with his cutting-edge "no spin" throwing system.
It ties practical combat application ...[Learn more about Ralph Thorn]

Reggie Bennett
Reggie Bennett is a former U.S. Air Force Survival Instructor (SERE), Class 90-02. During graduation from the USAF Survival Instructor School, he was presented four ...[Learn more about Reggie Bennett]

Rich Nance
A 2nd degree blackbelt and Police Defensive Tactics Instructor, Rich Nance has fine-tuned the science of weapon disarmament.
Rich's techniques have been selected for use by t...[Learn more about Rich Nance]

Richard Dimitri
Richard Dimitri has secured himself as one of the top reality based self-defense experts and his research and martial arts training is backed by much experience where he had to appl...[Learn more about Richard Dimitri]

Richard Duarte
Richard Duarte is a preparedness consult distinguished differently from others in our field…
Not only is he an established author in the survival field -...[Learn more about Richard Duarte]

Richard Ryan
Richard Ryan is one of the worlds' foremost authorities and masters of reality-based martial arts, combative weaponry and self-defense. He is the founder of Dynamic Combat, a ...[Learn more about Richard Ryan]

Rob High
Rob High is a retired law enforcement officer who started with the Oklahoma City Police Department in March of '95, retiring as a Detective in the Robbery Unit in 2020.
He also...[Learn more about Rob High]

Roman Zrazhevskiy
Roman is the Founder & CEO of MIRA Safety, a Texas-based manufacturer of respirators, safety equipment, and tactical gear for civil defense, law enforcement, military, and industry....[Learn more about Roman Zrazhevskiy]

Ron Avery
Ron is a former law enforcement officer of 25 years, world-ranked professional shooter, and internationally acclaimed trainer and writer who is one of ...[Learn more about Ron Avery]

Ron Grobman
At the age of 16, Ron became the youngest certified Krav Maga instructor in the United States.
Since then, he’s attained the rank of 1st sergeant i...[Learn more about Ron Grobman]

Russ Adler
Russ Adler is a retired Law Enforcement officer with over 28 years of training and tactical leadership experience, specializing in working with police, military, private security pers...[Learn more about Russ Adler]

Russell Stutely
Acknowledged as Europe's leading authority on the use of acupressure points in martial arts, Russell Stutely destroys the myt...[Learn more about Russell Stutely]

Ryan Lee Price
Ryan Lee Price is a prolific freelance journalist who specializes in outdoor adventuring and emergency preparedness.
He has contributed to multiple survival ...[Learn more about Ryan Lee Price]

Ryan Thomas
.Ryan Thomas is a firearms training expert, certified NRA instructor and range safety officer who has helped over 60,000 Floridians to obtain their concealed carry permit.
...[Learn more about Ryan Thomas]
Salvatore DeGennaro
Salvatore DeGennaro is a firearms instructor, competitive shooter, and a devout practitioner of preparedness and personal protection.
As a perpetual student of the craft, ...[Learn more about Salvatore DeGennaro]

Sammy Franco
Sammy Franco is one of the world's foremost authorities on armed and unarmed combat. Highly regarded as a leading innovator in combat sciences, Mr. Franco was one of the prem...[Learn more about Sammy Franco]

Scott B. Williams
Scott B. Williams has been exploring wild places and seeking adventure on both land and sea most of his life. At the age of 25, he sold his possessions and embarked on an op...[Learn more about Scott B. Williams]

Scott Babb
Scott Babb is a lifelong martial artist, a leading voice on the subject of knife combatives, and the founder of Libre Fighting; arguably the most widely recognized knife-based system in th...[Learn more about Scott Babb]

Scott Bolan
A lifelong Martial Artist, Scott Bolan holds Black Belts in Shito-Ryu, Kenpo, and Atemi Jiu-Jitsu, as well as Advanced Instructor Certifications in Close Q...[Learn more about Scott Bolan]

Scott Reitz
Scott Reitz is a 30-year veteran of the Los Angeles Police department where he served as both a street cop in the gang-infested sections of Wilshire and Van Nu...[Learn more about Scott Reitz]

Sean Grogan
Sean Grogan is a former special investigations detective that spent his career with the Woodbridge, N.J. Police Department.
In addition to spending the majorit...[Learn more about Sean Grogan]

Steven Mosley
Steven Mosley has over two decades of law enforcement work experience. He is the Director of Training for the Combat Hard™ Training Center and also works for the fede...[Learn more about Steven Mosley]

Stew Smith
Stewart "Stew" Smith is a former Navy Lieutenant SEAL who graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1991. After eight years in the SEAL Teams and an instructor at t...[Learn more about Stew Smith]

Susan Carrichner-Rexrode
Being held hostage in your home at knife-point would be more than enough traumatize any woman for the rest of their life.
Susan Carrichner-Rexrode survived that horror - and then ...[Learn more about Susan Carrichner-Rexrode]

Tim Larkin
Tim Larkin is a former Special Warfare Intelligence Officer for the Commander, Naval Special Warfare Command and is the creator of the Target Focus Trainin...[Learn more about Tim Larkin]

Tim Schmidt
Tim Schmidt is the founder and CEO of the United States Concealed Carry Association, "The Ultimate Resource for the Armed Citizen" and has over 27,000 acti...[Learn more about Tim Schmidt]

Timothy Blakeley
Tim Blakeley has boots-on-the-ground experience with what it takes to stay safe and survive violent times. With a long career in law enforcement and an expert in firearms and tacti...[Learn more about Timothy Blakeley]

Todd Lamb
Todd Lamb is a former military paratrooper and a 17 year veteran of the police force, including a role as SWAT Team Leader with over 350 completed missions und...[Learn more about Todd Lamb]

Todd Woodard
Todd Woodard is editor of Gun Tests magazine, a 70,000-circulation-funded monthly magazine that reviews firearms and accessories. Gun Tests, owned by AG Media based in Norwalk, Conne...[Learn more about Todd Woodard]

Tony Nester
Tony Nester has over 20 years of experience teaching outdoor survival and guiding wilderness trips and began his training center, Ancient Pathways in 1989 to focus on teaching oth...[Learn more about Tony Nester]

Tony Walker
Tony Walker’s writing career began when he was asked to contribute a section on WWII US Army insignia by a book editor, who was planning a book titled Military Collectib...[Learn more about Tony Walker]

Uri Kaffe
Sergeant Uri Kaffe was a member of the Israeli Border Police, one of the most dangerous jobs in the Israeli Forces. Uri was also a student of Lieutenant Coronel Chaim Peer (founder of Ka...[Learn more about Uri Kaffe]

Vit Singh
Vit Singh has a very far reaching repertoire in the combatives disciplines! Training in and achieving instructor status in Thai Boxing, Combat Submission Wrestling, and Mixed Martia...[Learn more about Vit Singh]

Vladimir Vasiliev
Vladimir Vasiliev spent 10 years in the Russian military's top Special Operations Unit mastering the all-but-lost combat tactics of Systema - the fighting system of the ancient Russian warriors ...[Learn more about Vladimir Vasiliev]

Walt Lysak
Sensei Walt Lysak Jr. is one of the most accomplished and knowledgeable masters of reality fighting in the world today. His Sento Method of Reality-based martial arts is highly effective, compre...[Learn more about Walt Lysak]