The End Of Post-Traumatic Stress Is Here TODAY! (Podcast 459) - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

The End Of Post-Traumatic Stress Is Here TODAY! (Podcast 459)

It often seems like there’s just no hope…

Veterans suffering from combat-related post-traumatic stress – commonly known as PTSD – end up believing that the panic attacks, nightmares, and bouts of depression are just the “facts of life”.

The true facts are that most “traditional” treatments for combat-related post-traumatic stress simply don’t work in the long term… because these “traditional” treatments fail to understand what post-traumatic stress is and what its root causes are.

Sadly, 17-22 veterans still take their lives every single day as a result of their internal battle scars.

But now, all that is changing – and a new hope has been brought to veterans…

Michael Cortina. a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor (LCAC) has developed a revolutionary new method of treating post-traumatic stress that can resolve symptoms in a single one-hour session…

…and he’s providing and end to the suffering for men and women who thought their situation was “hopeless.”

Discover The Revolutionary New Healing Protocol That’s Putting An End To Post-Traumatic Stress TODAY!

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Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:

  • The many names given to combat-related post-traumatic stress over the years.
  • The ONE thing most “talk therapists” get totally wrong about post-traumatic stress.
  • Why post-traumatic stress is NOT a “disorder”… and the shocking truth about what it really is.
  • The simple reason that combat-related post-traumatic stress is more prevalent than ever before.
  • How The Cortina Method works to help people fully process trauma in a single one-hour session.
  • And much, MUCH more!

Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

Do You, Or Someone You Love, Suffer From Post-Traumatic Stress?

Feel Free To Tell Your Story In The Comments Below…

  • Henry M Niedzwiecki says:

    I have to wonder, just how many veterans and others who suffer from
    PTSD, don’t seek out help because they are afraid they will be RED FLAGGED and not be able to buy or keep a weapon???

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