You know, you’ll never go broke betting on one thing:
Just how MAD people get when they talk about self-defense online.
Case in point, one of our most “viral” videos…
…is a video we did about “punching” in a street fight.
But that video represents just ONE street-fight principle.
If you want to be the best prepared you can be for a real-life fight…
…there are TEN principles you need to know about.
The TEN COMMANDMENTS of Self-Defense!
In this week’s podcast episode, I run down those 10 self-defense principles so that you can better protect yourself and your family.
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Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:
- How your own MIND could work against you in a street fight.
- Why the moment you realize you’re fighting could be TOO LATE to fight back!
- A body language trick you can use to avoid telegraphing your next move in a fight.
- What shooting and punching have in common when you’re fighting for your life!
- Why punching in a street fight is the LAST thing you want to do!
I know everybody has strong opinions when it comes to a topic like this.
This episode is sure to ruffle some feathers, but it can also really help you when it comes to better defend yourself and the people you love.