WL 347 – Mob Defense: A RANT - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

WL 347 – Mob Defense: A RANT

All right, I’m doing something a little different this week…

Because this podcast is straight-up a RANT.

See, a lot of people on both sides of the argument about police use-of-force, race, and mob violence are getting it WRONG.

So it’s time to explain what I’m really talking about that both sides have misunderstood!

In this week’s podcast episode, I rant and rave on a drive back from the Warrior Life Headquarters… and you NEED to hear this.

A Straight-Up RANT About MOB DEFENSE!

Mob Defense: A Rant

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Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

Are You Worried About The Potential For Violence This Summer?
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