WL 350 – 8 Survival Lessons From The “Soldiers Of The Future” - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

WL 350 – 8 Survival Lessons From The “Soldiers Of The Future”

As you know, our military is constantly in “research and development mode,” which means…

…they’re always advancing survival and self-defense goals for our troops.

And what works for them will work for you!

In fact, I was one of the first soldiers to be assigned to the reactivated 10th Mountain Division rapid deployment unit.

One of our primary missions?

Field testing new gear AND new battle tactics!

In this week’s podcast episode, I’ll explain to you 8 tips for survival that are inspired by that kind of military research and development, all of which can help you with your OWN survival planning… using technology available to you RIGHT NOW!

Cutting-Edge Survival Lessons From The Future!

WL 350: 8 Survival Lessons From The "Soldiers Of The Future"

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Each week, our rag-tag team of hairy-backed mooks - along with some of the world's top experts - bring you "no B.S." tips, tricks, and tactics to level-up all your skills in tactical firearms training, urban survival, escape & evasion, and close-quarters combat self-defense!

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Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:

  • The HUGE problem that almost EVERYONE has with their bugout bags.
  • A key feature that most bugout bags DON’T have… that is an absolute MUST!
  • The science fiction solution to carrying your family’s bugout gear.
  • The “sharper image” solution to conducting automated surveillance!
  • And much, much more!

As always, I’d love to hear from you on our blog regarding YOUR thoughts on this topic.

Share your thoughts and tips with us… and help us build our Warrior Life community.

Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

What Survival Trend Do YOU Think Is Most Important?
Please Share Your Tips And Tricks Below!

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