Here Are The Secrets Most People Will Never Know  About How To Build A Survival Kit “Bug-Out Bag”…

Instructions: Click on each link below to read the program on your computer screen. Once open, use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate or to print out the document for reference.


For the audio program files (mp3), Click the link to save to your computer. Then open the files to listen on your computer or transfer to a portable mp3 player like an iPod to listen.

Product Links:


[s3file s3url=”Report__Survival_Kit_BOB/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]Survival Kit Bug Out Bag[/s3file]

Survival Kit Bug-Out Bag Blueprint

Forget what you thought you knew about survival kits and “go-bags”… Forget what the government told you to pack for an emergency… Forget all the myths and misinformation littering the internet on “survival gear”… You’re about to discover the little-known secrets for custom-building your very own “extreme” bug-out bag that’s focused on just one thing… SURVIVAL – at all costs!


[s3file s3url=”Report__Survival_Kit_BOB/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]eRead_50x50[/s3file]

[s3file s3url=”Report__Survival_Kit_BOB/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]Click here now to access the “Survival Kit Bug-Out Bag” manual[/s3file][rule_top]


[s3file s3url=”Covert_Survivalist/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]icon_covert_survivalist[/s3file]The Covert Survivalist

Should you ever be forced to react quickly to an “instant disaster” with no warning, your very life may depend on the gear you have on you right then and there. With The Covert Survivalist, you’ll discover the little-know gadgets, gizmos and gear you should consider wearing as part of your “every day carry” survival equipment – equipment that no one else will know you’re wearing but will be there when you need it to protect yourself and those you love.


[s3file s3url=”Covert_Survivalist/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]eRead_50x50[/s3file]  [s3file s3url=”Covert_Survivalist/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]Click here now to access “The Covert Survivalist”[/s3file] [rule_top]

Bonus Programs

[s3file s3url=”sites/survival/covertsurvival/ISCQC_Covert_Prepper.mp3″ s3bucket=”cqc-pub” s3expiry=”90″ attributes=’Download’ newtab=”yes” ]Covert Survivalist MP3[/s3file]Audio – Covert Survivalist The “No B.S.” workshop that started it all… and became a survival best-seller! Listen in as we reveal exactly what you need to add to your “every day carry” gear to be prepared for any “instant crisis”… and how to hide your gear so that no one will ever be the wiser of just how tactically ready you are – until it’s time to take decisive action!


[s3file s3url=”sites/survival/covertsurvival/ISCQC_Covert_Prepper.mp3″ s3bucket=”cqc-pub” s3expiry=”90″ attributes=’Download’ newtab=”yes” ]MP3 Audio[/s3file]

[s3file s3url=”sites/survival/covertsurvival/ISCQC_Covert_Prepper.mp3″ s3bucket=”cqc-pub” s3expiry=”90″ attributes=’Download’ newtab=”yes” ]Click here to save a copy of “The Covert Survivalist” audio[/s3file] [rule_top]


[s3file s3url=”Report__Be_Your_Own_Medic/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]Be Your Own Medic[/s3file]Report – Be Your Own Medic Forget the Red Cross and FEMA – in the midst of a disaster when you’re evacuating or scrambling for medical assistance, you’re just another casualty waiting to happen. That’s why you need to take responsibility for your “urgent care” to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones that count on you for protection during the impact of a crisis.

[s3file s3url=”Report__Be_Your_Own_Medic/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]eRead_50x50[/s3file]


[s3file s3url=”Report__Be_Your_Own_Medic/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]Click here now to access “Be Your Own Medic”[/s3file] [rule_top]


[s3file s3url=”media-misc/audio-misc/Survival_Mindset_Moseley.mp3″ s3bucket=”cqc-pub” s3expiry=”90″ attributes=’Download’ newtab=”yes” ]Survival Mindset MP3[/s3file]


Audio – Master Your Survival Mind-Set Surviving a disaster, crisis or attack is about more than just having the right gear on hand… it requires YOU to have what we in the military call “intestinal fortitude” to take whatever steps needed to reach your objective! In this exclusive audio, you’ll see what it really takes to develop your own ferocious resolve to survive at all costs in any environment –  under any conditions!

[s3file s3url=”media-misc/audio-misc/Survival_Mindset_Moseley.mp3″ s3bucket=”cqc-pub” s3expiry=”90″ attributes=’Download’ newtab=”yes” ]MP3 Audio[/s3file]  [s3file s3url=”media-misc/audio-misc/Survival_Mindset_Moseley.mp3″ s3bucket=”cqc-pub” s3expiry=”90″ attributes=’Download’ newtab=”yes” ]Click here to save a copy of “Survival Mind-Set” audio [/s3file][rule_top]


[s3file s3url=”Report__Survival_Gear_Secrets/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]Survival Gear Secrets[/s3file]Report – Survival Gear Secrets Being prepared with the right survival gear requires you to do more than just pack a bag and stick it in your closet.  To truly be prepared, you must look at your equipment plan as a “layered approach” to address a variety of survival scenarios. This special program will help you to design your own personal “gear plan” you can rely on for structure as you prepare.

[s3file s3url=”Report__Survival_Gear_Secrets/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]eRead_50x50[/s3file] [s3file s3url=”Report__Survival_Gear_Secrets/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]Click here now to access “Survival Gear Secrets” [/s3file][rule_top]


