Instructions: Click on the link below to read the program on your computer screen. Once open, use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate or to print out the document for reference.

Product Link(s): [s3file s3url=”SIPSurvivalMedicine/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]icon_SIP_medicine[/s3file]

In any wide-scale disease or collapse, our infrastructure will be strained beyond normal capacity and the services we’ve become dependent on may not be there. That includes police… fire… and even medical care when you need it the most. Your “doctor skills” may be your family’s only hope when no help is on the way and these first aid and natural health remedies could even provide you with better care than you’ll get at the local hospital.

[s3file s3url=”SIPSurvivalMedicine/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]Survive The Collapse[/s3file] [s3file s3url=”SIPSurvivalMedicine/index.html” s3bucket=”products-survival” s3expiry=”90″ newtab=”yes” ]Click here now to access the “Survival Medicine” manual[/s3file]