WL 355 – Debunked: 5 Myths About Training In Person - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

WL 355 – Debunked: 5 Myths About Training In Person

I know this might be a sensitive topic for some of us…

…But now that we’re more or less “post-pandemic,” you may actually want to leave the house.

But there are lots of reasons people tell themselves for why they don’t look for in-person training.

And those reasons are MYTHS!

In other words, it’s time to stop making excuses, and time to take a long, hard look at the best ways to get skilled at defending yourself and your family.

In this week’s podcast episode, Buck Greene sits in for me to explain his recent experience at an at-person combat seminar after two years off… and what that might mean for your OWN in-person training.

Five MYTHS About Training in Prison YOU Probably Believe!

WL 355: Debunked: 5 Myths About Training In Person

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Each week, our rag-tag team of hairy-backed mooks - along with some of the world's top experts - bring you "no B.S." tips, tricks, and tactics to level-up all your skills in tactical firearms training, urban survival, escape & evasion, and close-quarters combat self-defense!

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Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:

  • Why “there’s no combatives training near me” usually ISN’T correct.
  • What everybody’s thinking about in a training class or seminar (Hint: It isn’t what you think!)
  • How to avoid “bad experiences” when training in person.
  • How to spot “that guy” at a seminar… and how not to BE him!
  • And much, much more!

As always, I’d love to hear from you on our blog regarding YOUR thoughts on this topic.

Share your tips, tricks, and thoughts with me… and help us build our Warrior Life community.

Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

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