3 Mistakes People Make When Prepping (And How To Avoid Them) - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

3 Mistakes People Make When Prepping (And How To Avoid Them)

He was prepared to survive for a year. . .

. . .and he was DEAD in less than a month!

You’ve probably never heard of David Austin, but what happened to him could happen to ANY prepper who makes certain CRITICAL mistakes.

David was 29 years old and determined to survive like his idol, Bear Grylls.

  • He’d taken a few courses on bushcraft.
  • He owned TONS of “survival gear.”
  • When he set out for the United Kingdom’s highest mainline station, snow was already falling. . . but he was prepared.

Or so he thought.

That’s why we need to talk about…

3 Mistakes People Make When Prepping
(And How To Avoid Them)

3 Biggest Bug-Out Mistakes Almost Every Prepper Makes
3 Mistakes People Make When Prepping (And How To Avoid Them)

Even expert survival school instructors said it wasn’t likely anyone could survive a winter outdoors in the Highlands while “living off the land.”

A month after he left for his “survival year,” Austin’s body was found by a track worker in a “mountain hut” in Corrour, Highland Perthshire.

He’d been lying there, dead, for several weeks.

An autopsy stated the official cause of death was hypothermia, but that’s NOT what caused his death.

No, David Austin died because he made “mistake number 2” of the three CRITICAL mistakes people make when prepping.

Make any ONE of these mistakes and you — and your family — could FAIL in your attempt to survive.

Prepping Mistake #1: OPSEC (Operational Security)

The first, and probably the worst mistake that people make when they’re prepping, has nothing to do with the actual preparations they make.

People like to talk.

They’ll talk about their hobbies to anybody who’ll listen.

That’s great if you’re talking about your kid’s soccer practice, or your model train collection.

It’s NOT so cool when you’re bragging to your next door neighbor about the case of MREs in your stockpile or the thousands of rounds of ammo you’ve got ready to go.

Right now, what you need to understand is that talking about your preps tells people that, in an emergency, YOU HAVE SUPPLIES THEY NEED.

That’s why you’ve got to keep your prepping plans under wraps.

Prepping Mistake #2: Focusing On Only One Disaster Scenario

THIS is what killed David Austin.

When he prepared to survive, he didn’t take into account all the scenarios he was going to face.

I guarantee you he thought about food.

He probably thought about what gear to bring, too.

But he never counted on just how bad the weather in the highlands might get.

I’m not picking on him.

It’s easy to get preoccupied with just one possible emergency.

It’s natural and advised to focus on the most common threat in your area.

If you live in California, what’s the most likely problem you’ll face?

Wildfires, right?

Then again, if you live in Florida, what’s it going to be?

Hurricanes, right?

Well, that’s fine, and you should be prepared for those things…

Even if you think where you live is very safe…

…and nothing ever happens there…

…These scenarios COULD and WILL affect you.

…There are actual 5 of what we call the “No BS Collapse Scenarios” that can affect EVERY CORNER of the country.

I realize some of them might not even be on your radar.

You’ve got to make sure your survival gear is up to the task for EVERY scenario you may face, though.

(More on that in a minute.)

Prepping Mistake #3: Focusing On Only One Phase Of Your Survival Plan

A disaster is a dynamic, fluid scenario.

It changes over time, and what you have to do to survive it will change, too.

Most people are only focused on one phase, like “surviving in place.”

Don’t get me wrong; your home is most likely going to be the best place for you to hunker down during most emergencies.

This is why people typically only focus on that one.

Even so called “expert preppers” are really only looking at one or two phases at most in their survival plan.

The problem is that there are actually 5 phases in total.

The details are too much to go into here.

Just know that it’s critical that you look into ALL the phases to be fully prepared.

If you’re just prepared for one phase, like surviving in place, what do you do when your home is just hours away from being under water?

What’s your plan if gangs of looters are standing on your front lawn getting ready to burn you out?

This brings into play the OTHER phases.

They might not be your first choice, but if you’re not prepared for them, you FAIL… and failure means NOT SURVIVING.

You’ve got to understand all those phases and how they affect each other.

It’s more involved than I can go into here.

You never know when a disaster is actually going to hit. . . and you don’t want to have to face your family after failing to account for everything that matters.

However, if you’re interested in the RIGHT way to set up your survival plan based on real-world scenarios, you can download a report about that right now.

This is something that ANYONE can follow to be prepared for ANY disaster, crisis, or attack — whether you’re a complete beginner, an experience prepper, or even a senior citizen living on a fixed income.

You never know when a disaster is actually going to hit. . . and you don’t want to have to face your family after failing to account for everything that matters.

What Is Your Survival Plan? What Gear Do You Rely On For Evac And Surive-In-Place?

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