MCS 128: 3 New Survival Gear Items For Your Bug-Out Bag - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

MCS 128: 3 New Survival Gear Items For Your Bug-Out Bag


As our listeners and readers know, I’m a HUGE fan of bug-out bags!

As a matter of fact, whether you’re 9 or 90, having a “go-bag” ready for a forced evacuation is a critical component of any survival gear plan.

But most of the “fantasy prepper” crap you find online is just wasteful, heavy gear that can keep you from reaching your destination safely.

As a continual “student” of survival, I’m always looking for new short-cuts and add-ons to my bag that can help me out in an emergency without taking up room or adding weight…

… and this week I want to let you know about 3 new “survival gear” items I just added to my own X-BOB tactical bag so you can copy my plan!

3 BRAND NEW Bugout “Must Haves” You Don’t Know About!

Bugout Bag Survival Gear Items

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