MCS 204 – Prepping Your Bug-Out Bike For A Forced Evacuation - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

MCS 204 – Prepping Your Bug-Out Bike For A Forced Evacuation

I refer to it as your “Phase 3 Survival Plan”

It’s that point where you’re forced to evacuate your home in a crisis, using your vehicle to get to a safer location – when “it” happens…

You hit that highway that’s now a virtual “parking lot”of escaping refugees in broken down vehicles!

When you can no longer make progress in your primary vehicle, the answer isn’t to stay there with the other desperate victims.

That’s why prepping a “back-up” vehicle is highly recommended – and the most logical choice for most people is a bicycle, right?

But not all bikes are “bug-out ready”!

That’s why this week I filmed a video for how to prep your “bug-out bike” and shared 5 primary factors you need to consider.


Prepping Your Bug-Out Bike Survival Gear
Prepping Your Bug-Out Bike For A Forced Evacuation

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Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:

  • The best type of bicycle for bugging out!  (I ignored the advice of one of our other instructors – but I think you’ll agree with my decision.)
  • One simple modification to increase the speed and efficiency of your bug-out bike! (This is the very first thing I do with my family’s bicycles to prep them for an evacuation.)
  • The absolute WORST plan for carrying your survival gear while traveling by bike (hint: it’s the most common method)… and 2 simple fixes you’ll want to use instead!
  • Your bug-out bike tool kit! Non-techy gadgets to keep you on the road to safety!

Don’t make the mistake of relying solely on your family’s main vehicle to get you to your bug-out destination.

These simple bug-out bike tips will help give you options for keeping your yourself and those you love safe while others are dead in their tracks!

Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

Do YOU Have A “Bug-Out Bike” For Back-Up Transportation?

Please Share Your Personal Choice And Prepping Tips Below Now…

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