You’ve seen it in countless survival and disaster movies:
Volcanoes are erupting, great chasms are opening up in the Earth, and fire, brimstone, and plagues of frogs are raining down from the sky.
But don’t worry; here comes the hero, Strongjaw McHandsomeface, riding to the rescue in his pimped out monster truck complete with roof rack, snorkel, and mounted fifty-caliber machineguns!
But do the movies REALLY tell you what you should be carrying in your bug-out vehicle?
Recently I spoke with expert Ryan Lee Price about the critical bug-out vehicle gear he recommends.
Here is a summary of what he told Warrior Life…
Is Your Bugout Vehicle Missing These 4 Critical Survival Items?

There isn’t a prepper on the planet who hasn’t fantasized about creating the ultimate bugout vehicle to see him through the zombie hordes and safely to his survival retreat.
But do you really know what you THINK you know about bugout vehicles and equipment?
People often overlook whether their bug out vehicle can physically reach its destination.
You have to be able to get there physically or there’s no point in going.
If your vehicle can’t handle the terrain physically, you’re stuck and worse off.
If it breaks down, you’re again stuck and worse off.
What this means is, you have to be able to take care of the vehicle itself.
This requires you to carry certain items to maintain the vehicle and get you out of trouble.
1. A Portable Air Pump
Your bug-out vehicle is only as good as its tires.
If you can’t roll, you can’t get where you’re going.
Most of us don’t have run-flat tires.
That means you’ve got to have the ability to maintain and replace your tires on-the-run.
So, in addition to having your standard jack, tire iron, and spare tire… a portable air pump (the kind that connects to your car’s electrical system), can be invaluable, especially if you have a slow leak and you’re miles from help.
You don’t want to assume that all you’re going to need is the spare tire that came with your vehicle and sometimes, repairing the one that’s already on is a faster, more reliable way to go.
2. Critical Fluids
If your car runs out of fuel, you won’t be getting anywhere.
If it runs out of oil, it will seize up.
If it runs out of coolant for the radiator, it will overheat.
All of these are things you can be carrying with you just in case.
Keep in mind, though, that in the case of gas you can’t just throw a gas can in the back seat.
It’s best to keep fuel outside of the vehicle, such as on a tow rack on the back, to prevent fumes from accumulating inside the vehicle.
(Just be sure to keep them camouflaged so others who weren’t as smart as you don’t try to beg, borrow, or steal your own supplies!)
3. A “Jumper Box”
All of us have had that moment in our lives when we’ve left the lights on… trunk slightly open… or had a winter freeze that killed our battery while we were away from our vehicles, right?
Normally, that means putting a desperate look on your face in the parking lot where you’re stranded – just hoping that someone will come “save your day” with a quick jump-start to get you back on the road.
But not in a forced-evacuation.
For one, people who are in the same stop-and-go traffic you may have found yourself in are going to be especially reluctant to stop to help you out.
But also, this would give anyone who stops – friendly or not – to see what supplies you do have… and perhaps ask for (or take) “payment” in whatever way they think is justified.
To stay self-reliant and safe, add a rechargeable “jumper box” to your vehicle’s gear that will let you be your own “roadside assistance” when your batter is dead.
4. A Siphon Pump
If you aren’t carrying a siphon pump or transfer pump, this is a complete “must-have”.
They don’t take up that much room and will give you the ability to take fuel from broken down cars that might still have gas in them.
They also make it possible to transfer water quickly from one container to another.
(Obviously, you wouldn’t use the same pump for both things in that order.)
20 Responses
Zip-up insulated coveralls, for outdoor repairs (double as emergency sleeping bag).
Don’t reinflate a tire in a snowstorm without them.
If not a dedicated syphon pump, at least carry a piece of hose 6-8 feet long for syphoning gas or whatever. Just don’t use for toxic fluids. A small amount of gas or diesel won’t kill you as long as you spit it out after getting it to flow. Granted a syphon pump eliminates the catch bucket but requires constant operation to transfer fuel say between vehicles where the tanks and filler necks are about the same height.
Although not a permanent repair there are plug tire kits. You can put two or three in a big hole. So your tire will stay up longer.
My air pump uses the same battery packs that my portable drills and saws do. There are quite a few full packs.
I also have abrasive cutting discs for my battery pack grinder noisy but locks etc.
I carry a small shovel, the Russian design that can serve as a melee weapon or gardening tool. To dig out if I get stuck.
Do not get a “jumper pack” with a Lithium battery unless you only drive in the summer or above 0° weather. They will incur damage, possibly deadly damage in subzero temperatures. I wasted $100 on one when the battery was destroyed in -20°F overnight.
I Keep in my Van – My “Daily” but also “Survival Van”. With storms and tall trees on road here I might not be able to get home for a week. So I “Keep in my Van” : A Tow Rope, Food, Water, MRE’s, Cooking Kit, Gun&Ammo, Rain Suit, Heavy Coat, Wide Brim Rain Hat, Gloves, Heavy Blanket, Tarp, Shave Kit, Toilet Paper, Flash Lights, Solar Lamp, Cig Lighters, Portable Tire Pump, Hatchet & Machete, Saw, Knives, Binos, Tools, more. Anything critical I leave out ?
I would add a couple of ratchet straps and/or a good come-along to your list.
WATER and food
Kitchen sink? 🙂
One thing that is always forgotten is a radiator belt
Panty hose will work temporarily for a radiator belt, but not for long.
don’t forget clothing. last winter a young woman froze in her car because she didn’t have anything to help her survive. even in early fall and late spring we can have bad weather–better to have something and not need it… wool retains heat -cotton does not
Just when you think you have all the gears covered someone mentions something that either slipped my mind or I didn’t think to consider So Thank you everyone for your comments I got a little something out of each one
Spare keys. I tape a spare non-remote door / ignition key (if separate keys) behind my license plate. Hidden, secure, easily accessed. Eliminates magnetic boxes that can fall off or you may forget where it’s hidden, and others in your circle can always know where they can utilize them if needed.
Adding a flashlight to your arsenal helps in those dark moments along with a window breaker as my neighbor found out when his car slid off the road and into the water one night.
Fortunately it wasn’t deep and he was right side up. But he freaked out for an hour screaming in fear while trying to smash a window to get out of his car until someone finally found him.
Most all my knives I “carry” and keep in my car have/include a Window Breaker Feature, +. I Belt-Carry a Tactical Flashlight w/Window Breaker and 2 Multi-tool Fighting knives.
We keep a thin but sturdy waterproof blanket in our car bag. It has a million uses and takes up almost no space.
First Aid kit, water, non perishable food. Emergency knife, puncho liner tarpe rope, matches small pack, mechanic gloves, assorted tools, buck tape.