Grab This Natural Survival Medicine Wonder To Fight Infections

Every Survival Medicine Cabinet Needs This One Natural “Wonder Drug” From Mother Nature Herself…

It’s a frightening thought…

Today, you and your family are safe at home, with hospitals, pharmacies and doctors just a 911 call away.

But tomorrow could be a whole other story…

When a wide-scale crisis strikes – a hurricane, pandemic, cyber attack, economic collapse, the grid goes down – all of your access to healthcare can come to a screeching halt.

No more ambulances showing up when you dial 911… no more running to the ER or urgent care clinic when someone gets hurt or sick… no more popping into the pharmacy conveniently located down the street.

Even worse, disaster-hit environments are like a “toxic soup” of nasties – raw sewage, chemicals, rotting food (even bodies!) – and bacteria will be everywhere!

Every single orifice on your body – even your 5 million hair follicles – becomes a 4-lane highway for infection to find its way into your body.

This is why smart “preppers” know to stock up on antibiotics to be ready to become their own doctor when no medical care is available.

But there’s a problem here…

Besides the possibility of these prescription medicines being destroyed, stolen, expired, or simply used up… studies are showing more and more that over-prescription by doctors has led to a drastic reduction in the effectiveness of common antibiotics – so they may not even work for you, so…

When A Crisis Shuts Down All Medical Response And Prescription Meds Aren’t Available, Mother Nature Can Be Your Best Pharmacy!

Here’s One Natural “Wonder Drug” That Belongs In Every Prepper’s Medicine Cabinet…

mrsa staph infection survival medicine

First of all, you have to know what to look for before treating ANY ailment you have.

For infections, the most likely place you’ll start to see symptoms is on your skin, and even a tiny cut – or a single hair follicle – can let bacteria into your body and trigger its rapid growth.

You’ll start to see a red boil begin to form… then it will fill with thick, white pus… and it will continue to grow as it becomes more swollen.

In accelerated cases, the infection can enter your bloodstream, causing fever, a drop in your blood pressure, and even attack your internal organs, all the way up to your brain.

When antibiotics aren’t available, one compound you should have on standby is manuka honey.

Here’s How This Powerful Gift From Mother Nature Can Literally Save Your Life In Disaster Environments…

Produced in the lush forests of New Zealand from the nectar of the manuka tree, this is no ordinary honey.

You see, manuka possesses a natural compound called methylglyoxal, or MGO, that’s actually not found in regular honey.

MGO gives manuka its incredible bacteria-fighting power by disrupting the cell walls and metabolism of pathogens like staph, E. coli and salmonella that infect wounds or the gut.

In fact, some studies have shown that manuka honey worked even better than antibiotics on infections as more drug-resistant “super bugs” are created from overpresciption by doctors with their patients!

On top of being antibacterial, manuka honey also reduces swelling and pain thanks to unique enzymes that calm inflammation.

This makes it incredibly effective for burns, wounds, stomach ulcers, sore throats, and any condition ending in “itis” like tonsillitis or arthritis.

Plus, there’s a whole host of other uses for manuka that can help you and your family when no medical care is available, such as:

  • Faster recover from injuries when you lack drugs like NSAIDs or steroids
  • Rapid healing of cuts, scrapes, burns
  • Relieve eczema and acne
  • Get rid of nausea and stomach bugs
  • Soothe a sore throat and cough
  • Even knock out tooth and gum infections

Here’s How To Take Manuka Before, During, And After Exposure To Disaster Environments…

It’s extremely easy for anyone to use manuka without any medical training…

For skin infections – and even if you just get a small cut – simply apply a generous smear of manuka honey directly to the cut, wound, boil, rash, or other areas where you see symptoms or know you could be vulnerable to infection.

If you want to  boost your immunity to avoid illness, you can ingest manuka orally – about 1 tablespoon a day.

And if you are taking any antibiotics at all, know that this can kill the “healthy bacteria” in your gut, causing digestive issues and reducing your immunity even more, while also limiting the production of serotonin (the “happy chemical” your brain loves to eat up) to help you handle stress during a crisis… so you want to up your dosage of manuka to 2 tablespoons a day to help keep a healthy balance of gut bacteria.

Now, as you can see, stockpiling manuka honey in your survival supplies is a powerful way to be ready to handle nearly any medical need when modern healthcare is no longer an option.

But please understand this…

… this is only one part of the “survival medicine” puzzle!

To truly be prepared medically for a long-term societal collapse or other crisis, you need to take your self-reliance further.

"Home Doctor" Secrets Every Prepper Should Know

How To "Make Your Own Medicine" From Common Ingredients In Your Home Right Now...

Home Medicine Recipes
How to make your own salves, poultices, and other medicines...
When a disaster strikes...hospitals will be over-crowded... pharmacies will be shut down (or looted)...  and local doctors and first-responders simply can't be counted on for medical attention when you need it most.

When YOU are the only "doctor" around, will you know how to...

  • Evaluate symptoms to know what (and how much) medicine to give a family member without doing more damage
  • Make your own "prescription-level" medicine when pharmacies aren't available
  • Identify healthy alternatives to "daily medicines" (like blood-thinners and insulin) needed for long-term illnesses
  • Build your own "home hospital kit" to handle major medical threats for you and your family

Click Here To Discover How To "Be Your Own Doctor" & Make Your Own Medicines...

Are you prepared to handle medical emergencies WITHOUT doctors, hospitals or drugs?

Can you confidently diagnose illnesses and treat infections, viruses, or chronic diseases with no medical degree or training?

You really need to assess your current skills and then use your imagination to see what life will be like when YOU are the only “doctor” you and your loved ones have available.

It doesn’t have to be hard to fill that role because, just like doctors use, a handy reference manual can work wonders with showing you how to diagnose symptoms and what to use for treatment.

But the time to prepare ISN’T when the grid goes down and all you have to face the nasties is a small box of band-aids. 🙂

What Other “Natural” Items Do You Have At-The-Ready To Be Your Own Doctor When Disaster Strikes?

Please Leave Your Best Survival Medicine Tips Below Now…

19 Responses

  1. People should be prepared to care for themselves and their loved ones without depending on doctors. Honey is a good, natural antibiotic. All honey, not just this -marketing hype.

    1. Have you ever actually tried manuka honey? Of course anything offered by someone else got viewed because of some form of marketing (that includes word of mouth). Glad that you seem to be totally independent in your preps – I’m thankful for all the information I receive from those who have actually tried different products.

    1. Both Amazon and Walmart dotcoms have many listings for manuka honey. Also shows up under Whole foods and other sites. Hope this helps.

  2. The best ati bacterial medicine is colloidal silver, kills all bacteria. Black seed oil is the next best

  3. 1. Cayenee Pepper – yarrow leaves- stop bleeding
    2. USNEA herb make tincture for infections
    3. Manuka honey
    4. Pinus Strobus Pine Needles- tincture- Eastern white pine tree only
    There are tons- I have mountains of books and tons of herbs I bought.
    Making a tincture is easy- takes 6-8 weeks- the dry herb and the 100 proof vodka or brandy or run- soak in a jar with a tight lid – shake daily.
    Strain and bottle with a tight lid- have dropper handy for using it.
    Do not use plants you are allergic too.

  4. Elderberry syrup- make yourself- use organic raw honey unheated! Cold Flu and immune strengthening.
    Also make FIRE CIDER for winter- keep immunity up.
    So many natural cures to keep handy.
    Onions heated (no oil or butter) just heated in a pan and then put on the bottom of the feet tie them on- add plastic bag and cover in sock- pulls toxins- fevers etc out of the body.
    Infections” I make a tea- thyme leaves, oregano leaves, ginger root- (ginger for upset stomach) boil with water- reduce heat- add lid- 30-40 min on simmer- strain and add a little honey- drink a few times a day.
    There are tons of natural remedies you can make.

  5. ok….. so how are we supposed to get New Zealand honey in America when the SHTF? Just a guess, but one should learn how to harvest honey locally.

    1. I guess Ralston doesn’t realize, that you order anything or go out and get what you need before SHTF….. dah~~~Y

  6. I have tried Manuka honey as well as Manuka essential oil. Both work on skin abrasions and open cuts. Some natural first aid items include cayenne powder, dried yarrow powder (from leaf) or yarrow tincture in small spray bottle. I advocate keeping a lavender infused or essential oil lip balm in kitchen to treat minor burns (like tip of finger, not whole arm). Use of herbal teas, essential oils, herbal tinctures (made from a lot of culinary /garden herbs such as sage, thyme, oregano, lavender fresh or dried). Salves to suggest a first aid salve, a pain salve (arnica, comfrey, plantain, peppermint, ginger),

  7. I grow Greek oregano and yarrow. Just this summer I cleared more room for them to spread. Oregano is strongest when it is flowering. The spice is generally younger plants.

  8. Mountains of Montana here. My “yard” is a pharmacy. Constantly learning new plants and uses. Over an hour to town and some months aren’t worth the risk of trying. Harvesting always something. Tinctures, vinegars and teas keep us healthy or cure symptoms and infections. Viral or bacterial. Lots of invasive “weeds” are medicinal along with many regular trees. Get a plant app, take pic, research it’s correct, research medicinal uses and make yourself a medicine. Super easy and effective. Don’t believe big pharma… you are smart enough! Don’t be afraid of the plants, they were put here for our benefit. You assess your symptom relief and adjust your own dosage. It’s that simple!! A comment above gives good directions/ideas. Use YouTube.

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