MCS Podcast 57: The Survivalist Child - Teaching Children Survival Skills

MCS Podcast 57: The Survivalist Child – Teaching Children Survival Skills


Like me, many parents and grandparents out there are answering the call to raise more self-reliant children who can face any danger with practical skills when no help is around.

This week, I tracked down survival trainer, Kevin Estela (who’s also a high school teacher!) who has dug deep into some simple ways to prepare any child with the skills they can use to face any danger… as well as prepare for life in general

We cover a lot of really great tips you’ll be able to use with ANY child in your life who you’d like to become better prepared… AND you’ll discover ways to make it FUN at the same time.

Teaching Your Children Survival Skills For Security And Self-Defense


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Here’s what awaits you in this week’s episode..

  • How to get your child into a “survival mind-set” WITHOUT filling them with fear over things they can’t control!
  • The best “wilderness survival” skills to teach children if they’re ever separated from you or other group!
  • Small children are no match for larger “human predators” in our society… or are they?
  • Everyday carry gear for KIDS!
  • Fun ways to teach any child simple survival skills through role-playing and other activities!

This was a “reader request” podcast and I know it’s going to help a LOT of parents out there raise the next generation of self-reliance!

Podcast Resources:

What OTHER Skills Have You Taught YOUR Child Or Grandchild?

Please Share Your Advice Below…

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