I know you’ve heard me say this before…When it comes to surviving during the aftermath of a natural disaster, collapse, or other extended crisis, your goal (as a prepared patriot who “gets it”) should be to…
…”BE tactical, but not LOOK tactical!”
At no time is this more critical than when you’re forced to evacuate your home because it’s no longer the safest place to be.
Without the security of your home’s walls, you’re in even more danger of being targeted by desperate, unprepared citizens who will cling to any resource they can find that can help them survive and take care of their own families.
But YOU shouldn’t have to be that resource, right?
That’s why, for this week’s podcast episode, I want to share with you 10 quick lessons I learned in the military for staying “covert” in your temporary surroundings while making your way to safety when bugging out.
Bugging Out UNDETECTED With Military Secrets
Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:
- An “old school” military skill that modern technology has nearly destroyed… and can be your secret eyes to spot dangerous areas ahead of time!
- Little-known ways to use the cover of darkness to your advantage (and avoid the most common pitfalls most civilians don’t even know exist)!
- Simple methods to camouflage your location so you’ll be “invisible” to human predators!
- An alternative “campground” location I discovered while in the jungles of Panama! (Funny thing is, it’s been proven to be just as tactical even in urban environments!)
- How to avoid the stupid little mistakes that scream, “Come take my stuff!”
Even most “preppers” don’t get access to this kind of “training”.
But it was second nature to me in both my military training and in combat… and now it’s time to rethink your own strategy when you’re forced to get out of Dodge during a crisis.
Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:
What Other Tactics Do You Know For Staying Under The Radar During A Disaster?
Please Share Your Best Covert Bug-Out Survival Tips Below Now…