The media’s done a good job of covering this secret up…
But after seeing the devastation of Russia’s Chernobyl meltdown… and Japan’s Fukushima nuclear wasteland, you’d have to be a complete idiot to think there’s no chance of another nuclear disaster in our lifetime.
And here in the US, that threat is closer than it might appear – especially if you live in one of the 31 states that are housing more than 100 nuclear power plants.
Look, no matter if an accident is caused by a purposeful nuclear attack, the sheer greed of the industry that avoids fixing problems… or that hurricane, tornado, or earthquake in the wrong place at the wrong time… our nuclear plants are basically just a massive nuclear weapon waiting to be unleashed. But…
The Real Threat Of A Nuclear Disaster Isn’t Always The Blast. It’s This…
After the accident in Fukushima, we’ve had the opportunity to see what might happen here in the US if we lost control of one of our nuclear facilities.
It’s not pretty.
One of the major threats to your life?
Thyroid and bone cancers.
Radiation exposure gives you a massively increased risk of developing these two cancers and citizens living near the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan have experienced a 6,000% increase in these cancers.
And the risk of these effects is much greater following the kind of calamity that breaks out in the wake of a disaster – you know, when medical care is overwhelmed and you can’t find a safe place to live.
That’s why we’re going to talk about how to protect yourself from those side effects – even if you can’t get formal medical care.
1. Load Up On Vitamin C
Vitamin C has been proven to protect against tissue oxidation.
They’ve done these tests on radiology technicians, who tend to have higher levels of tissue oxidation, so this has been tried and proven against in real people with real exposure, not just experimental lab-rat testing.
2. Make Pine Needle Tea
Pine needles contain up to five times as much vitamin C as a lemon, and they’re easy to get ahold of without needing to consult a grocery store.
All you need is a handful of pine needles from a green white pine, and boiling water.
Steep the needles in the water until they begin to look pale, take them out, and drink up.
You can dry the pine needles ahead of time, storing them in a safe place, to make sure they’re not saturated with fallout in case of a disaster.
3. Detox
Several supplements have been proven to help leach radiation out of the body:
• N-acetyl cysteine (1,000 grams twice daily)
• Spirulina (5 grams daily)
• And iodine (which can be found in sea vegetables, miso soup, and brassicas like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale).
Epsom salts baths can also help.
When your body is trying to fight off the effects of radiation, you quickly run out of Magnesium, and the salt baths will help restore this important mineral to keep you healthy.
Remember: when a crisis hits, you’re going to want to have a good stockpile of all these ingredients ready to hand – you don’t want to be battling in the grocery store for the last bottle of Vitamin C.
But more important than that, with hospitals over-stretched and doctors unavailable, you must be ready to “self-treat” any and all medical problems you and your family may encounter during a collapse.
Here’s the best “survival medicine” guide I recommend you start with…
It’s really simple and designed for the prepared citizen who realizes that you may one day be the only “doctor” your loved ones can rely on when they need you the most.