MCS 216: Green Beret Survival Secrets From Jeff Kirkham’s “Black Autumn” Book - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

MCS 216: Green Beret Survival Secrets From Jeff Kirkham’s “Black Autumn” Book

Few people know how bad things can get in a “collapse” than Jeff Kirkham

With nearly 29 years as a soldier and Green Beret, Jeff has seen beyond his fair share of what happens to resources, the “government”, and everyday citizens when the world around you crumbles into ruin.

And a new fictional novel he’s just released, Black Autumn, has the power to not only entertain you with a riveting storyline of a group of spec-op soldiers who band together for survival…

…but also grant you some real-world lessons on how to protect you and those you love when the sh*t hits the fan!

In this week’s podcast episode, Jeff shares his personal combat experience as well as some “quick tips” on how to prepare NOW for a wide-scale apocalyptic event!

(Hint: It’s closer than you think!)

“Black Autumn”: Survival Secrets Of The GREEN BERETS

Black Autumn Book Review
Black Autumn Book Review & Survival Tips With Jeff Kirkham

Loving Our Podcast? Subscribe So You Don't Miss An Episode...

Each week, our rag-tag team of hairy-backed mooks - along with some of the world's top experts - bring you "no B.S." tips, tricks, and tactics to level-up all your skills in tactical firearms training, urban survival, escape & evasion, and close-quarters combat self-defense!

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Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:

  • “Black Swan” Collapse! How unrelated events can trigger an unstoppable chain of destruction – even a complete collapse of our country!
  • The #1 worst “blind spot” the average citizen will face in a real-world disaster! (Warning: Even your family could be your downfall!)
  • Do you have your own “spec-ops defense squad” to battle looters, martial law, and the desperate? Do you even need one?!
  • On “killing the innocent”… and other survival decisions you may face when you’re prepared – and others aren’t!
  • (Special Announcement) Discover how YOU can grab a boat-load of survival goodies and training opportunities just by grabbing an advance copy of Jeff’s new “Black Autumn” novel!

Check out this week’s podcast and see why we’re long overdue for a nationwide crisis that puts your survival skills to to the ultimate test…

… and how to prepare for it now!

Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

What Other “Collapse Events” Should We All Be Preparing For?

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