Combat-Proven Urban Survival Weapon "Sword Fighting” For Civil Unrest

Gatka: Combat-Proven Urban Survival Weapon “Sword Fighting” For Civil Unrest

You’ve heard me say this more than once…

The best backup survival weapon – the one I even carried with me into combat in the military – is a machete.

I catch a lot of flack for that statement (especially from “gun guys”), but the fact is, when you run out of bullets… your gun gets confiscated or stolen… or it breaks down, you damn well better have a backup you can depend on.

But like any weapon, the machete is only as effective as the person who wields it, right?

That’s why I started training in “sword fighting”years ago.

And in my search for the ultimate sword-fighting system to train in, all I had to do was look at real world stories to see what would I could truly depend on under the extreme conditions of a collapse in infrastructure… civil unrest… and “mass attacks”…

Gatka: Combat-Proven “Urban Survival Weapon” Sword Fighting During Riots & Civil Unrest

Urban Survival Weapons

Gatka (pronounced gut’-ka) is a fighting system developed by the Indian Sikhs (pronounced ‘seeks’) thousands of years ago.

What’s unique to the techniques within Gatka is its double-blade tactics that are meant to defeat a mass attack – a technique that I teach in the advanced version of our “Combat Machete” DVD’s we talk about in our free survival weapons guide here

The unique spinning moves of this double-blade method create a virtual “human blender force field” around your body that can literally hold off any number of attackers.

This isn’t some fantasy mumbo-jumbo.

It’s been “combat proven” in real attacks – even in recent history…

The 1984 Riots – Amritsar, India

In 1984, the Prime Minister of India was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards who were part of an underground anti-government separatist movement.

In retaliation, the Indian Army tried to storm the Sikh holy site, the Golden Temple, and anti-Sikh mobs all across India roamed the streets attacking any Sikh man, woman, or child they could find.

The death toll during the civil unrest is estimated to be up to 8,000.

But the Sikhs’ Gatka warriors weren’t going to lay over and die without a fight…

At the holy Golden Temple, a single Gatka warrior stood at each of the four entrance doors with their two swords, swinging them using their unique double-blade tactics as the Indian Army tried to gain access.

Not one soldier got within 10 yards of any one of the entrances!

But wait until you hear this…

At the same time, out on the streets of Delhi where rioters were carrying out mass beatings and killings, an 80-year old man was attacked while riding his scooter by an anti-Sikh mob of 3,000 people.

When the police arrived at the scene, the attackers fled.

One of the officers who came upon the attack reported…

… “All I could see was an old man, standing sword in hand, and numerous dead bodies lying around him.”

What does this mean for you?

Well, we’ve already seen how quickly mobs can form and attack in the aftermath of a crisis or collapse, haven’t we?

While I’m a firm believer in firearms for survival scenarios, they have their limitations and there are times when they’re actually not the best weapon for the job.

That’s why I trust my machete – essentially an “urban survival sword” – as my primary backup.

Not only does it never jam or run out of bullets… but it’s a supreme deadly weapon in the right hands – especially when I’m armed with both of my machetes and use the “human blender” technique I mastered in my Gatka training.

I can show you how to master the machete and other survival weapons here

Using the system I’ve developed over 2 years (blending Gatka, Haitian, and African fighting systems, as well as my own techniques), I’ve found a way to show ANYONE how to quickly become a complete badass with the machete.

And yes, that includes even more “advanced” methods such as the double-blade technique covered in “Combat Machete 2”.

I highly suggest you start with our free survival weapons guide now and see for yourself how easy my Gatka-based system is to master.

It takes very little practice once you learn the basic principles (I can show you how to master them in only 7 days) and the skills flow so easily that you never seem to lose them at all – they’re always there, ready to defend you and those you love when things get “extreme”.

(Besides A Gun…) What Other Survival Weapons Are Good Options For Urban Survival And Civil Unrest?

Please Share Your Best Urban Survival Weapon Tips Below Now…

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