MCS 299 – 5 Reasons To Carry Cheap Knives - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

MCS 299 – 5 Reasons To Carry Cheap Knives

What’s the most expensive knife you own?

Did it cost a hundred bucks?

Two hundred?

Maybe more?

Well, let me ask you:

How afraid are you of breaking or losing it?

The reality is that while you should absolutely carry high-quality tools (and you get what you pay for)…

…You should ALSO carry an inexpensive knife for all those “dirty jobs” and high-risk areas!

In this week’s podcast episode, Modern Combat & Survival’s Buck Greene sits in for Jeff Anderson and makes the case for supplementing your Everyday Carry (EDC) with a cheap fixed blade knife.

Why YOU Should Carry A CHEAP KNIFE!

MCS 299 - 5 Reasons To Carry Cheap Knives


Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:

  • The knife (or knives) you can find literally everywhere that can be both utility and self-defense blades!
  • Why a “cheap knife” gives you more “freedom” than even the most expensive tactical blade.
  • Multiple ways to create a knife sheath (with materials you have in your home right now)!
  • Why a cheap knife might give you a legal and social advantage in public.
  • Which “cheap knives” to buy and which to avoid (and how to tell the difference when you aren’t sure)!

Let’s all take a break from doom and gloom and pandemic readiness to talk about something we can all agree on:

Knives are freaking cool, and we should all be carrying more than one…

Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

What Knife Do You Carry? How Many Blades Do You Tote Around?

Please Share Your Thoughts Below Now…

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