What do you think of when I say the word, “sniper”?
If you’re like most people, you get that mental image of a soldier covered in a camouflage “ghillie suit” ready to pull the trigger on an enemy combatant…
…A tactical SWAT marksman ready to end a hostage-taker’s stand-off…
…Or a clandestine spy positioned in a window, about to completely disrupt some country’s political system with a single bullet.
But while YOU may not be some state-sponsored covert assassin, have you ever thought about why you SHOULD consider becoming a “sniper”?
If that makes you scratch your head a little, then let me share with you…
5 Reasons Why Every Survivalist Needs “Sniper Training” To Be Prepared…

1. Intelligence Gathering
As they say, “knowledge is power”, right?
Well, sniper tactics are as much about doing reconnaissance to gain valuable intel on an “enemy” as they are about precision shooting.
A sniper can’t pull the trigger on just anything that comes into his crosshairs.
90% of the job is being able to detect, identify, and confirm targets, and developing these skills will make you
far more aware during times when danger is around you and most people don’t even know it.
2. Survival Hunting
In any kind of “collapse”, food shortages will hit within the very first few days.
It’s a fact.
That means you’re going to have to find food for you and your family – and you’re only going to get 1 shot at that deer, rabbit, or squirrel that’s 300 ft away in that corn field.
You better make it count… or you’ll go hungry like the rest.
3. “Next Level” Marksmanship
At long ranges, every little mistake makes a BIG difference in how close your bullet hits to where you were aiming.
Sight picture… breathing… trigger squeeze… follow-through…
The training required to become “super-accurate” as a sniper can help you fine-tune ALL of your shooting skills – no matter whether it’s a shotgun, rifle, or even a pistol!
4. Stealth & Concealment
A sniper’s success doesn’t just rely on his (or her) accuracy.
You have to be “sneaky”.
You have to be able to creep into an optimal position without being detected… become “invisible” in any surroundings (even urban areas)… and be able to haul ass out of a “hot zone” without leaving a trail.
Hmmmm… sounds like just the kinda skills that could prove helpful for escape & evasion when the sh*t has hit the fan and the “wolves” of our society are prowling around for helpless victims to prey on, eh?
5. SHTF Defense
If worse ever DOES come to worse, you know that your family’s defense is going to entirely be up to YOU… and ONLY you!
Being able to hunker down in a safe location – and STAY safe – is going to require you to have someone standing watch 24/7 should some sneaky bastard start looking around for his (or their) next victims.
It’s always best to assume that the “enemy” is armed… and in ANY firefight confrontation, distance is your friend.
Being able to engage an enemy (foreign or domestic) from 500-800 yards away will help ensure your own survival… and force them to find their loot elsewhere (if they’re lucky enough to leave).
So hopefully this was all you needed to convince you that this type of training really IS useful for survival purposes.
So now, “what’s next?”, right?
How To Get Started As A “Survival Sniper”…
1. You’re gonna need a weapon. Sniper rifles can get pretty expensive and if you ever go to a gun show, you’ll see them all the way up to about $15,000 or so.
I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure my dog would have my side of the bed on a permanent basis if I ever dropped that much on a rifle.
The sneaky trick used at these gun shows is to make the rifle “look” like a badass military weapon with a lot of inexpensive add-ons. In other words, they’re selling the “look” so you feel like you’re the next American Sniper.
I recommend (and have) a Remington 700 .308 caliber bolt-action rifle.
These come super accurate and reliable right out of the box and I’ve used it for hunting as well as long-range shooting.
Another option is an AR platform in .308 because it’s a familiar “feel” and deployment as a standard AR-15.
(Note: More on your gun in a few seconds…)
2. Next, you’re gonna need a good scope. These can also run you a ton-o-dough, but it’s a very critical factor in sniping so the more can spend on it, the better… but don’t go overboard.
I recommend a “FIXED variable” scope for long-range shooting.
An “adjustable variable” scope is one where you can adjust the sight picture very tight, which actually changes the power of the scope.
This allows you to get a very fine-tuned sight picture at varying distances, if you want it to.
However, a “fixed variable” scope has a fixed magnification so the power of the sight picture doesn’t change.
That means you don’t have to mess around dialing in the precise magnification when you’re trying to engage multiple targets… and for defense and survival purposes, that can mean the difference between getting a shot – or not!
3. Finally, before you go attaching all kinds of whiz-bang gizmos to your rifle, you’re gonna want to get in some “super accuracy training”.
Don’t worry… there’s no need to shell out a few thousand dollars for some “tactical sniper school”.
One of the best training programs out there for dialing in “super accuracy” with a rifle is through “Project Appleseed” (
This is a national non-profit “marksmanship heritage” group of volunteers using a standardized set of special skills for training youth and adults in how to achieve superior accuracy with a rifle – just like the American colonists who out-shot and defeated the British forces back in 1775.
I’ve attended their courses and put all my sons through it as well, and I can’t say enough about the professionalism of this group and all of the volunteer instructors who help keep this patriotic skillset alive and well.
And the best part?
The training is free!
Of course they’re not going to give you actual “sniper training” because that’s not what they’re about, but it’ll lay a strong foundation for what you need to take things to the next level.
Then There’s Your Gun…
A buddy of mine is well-known in the firearms industry for showing patriotic survivalists how to easily build “underground guns”.
You can get his FREE DVD here for just the cost of shipping it to you.
Untraceable guns like this are often called “ghost guns” because they use a little-known “invisibility loophole” that doesn’t require them to be registered with the government like other firearms.
Trust me, this is important…
You see, if there ever was ANY kind of crisis that triggered civil unrest on a grand scale, it’s a very real threat that the government (federal or local) could impose a mandatory “gun confiscation” program to take peoples’ guns.
Yes, I know this might sound like paranoia, but it’s already happened during scenarios like Hurricane Katrina.
And I mean, just watch the news…
Personally, I think we’re scary close to seeing more and more violent protests in the near future as we become further divided as a nation!
Are you seeing it too?
And with more mass-shootings and more gun-hating politicians taking office, anyone who is serious about their 2nd Amendment rights should be VERY afraid of the possibility of a knock on the door by a uniformed soldier with a clipboard, asking you to hand over your guns for the “greater good of the community” during a violent crisis.
So why take the chance?
Get equipped… get trained… and get prepared while you can.