MCS 233 – The “Survivalist Sniper”: Why Everyone Needs Long-Range Shooting Skills To Survive! - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

MCS 233 – The “Survivalist Sniper”: Why Everyone Needs Long-Range Shooting Skills To Survive!

Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

Have YOU Tested Your Hand At Long-Range Sniper Shooting?

Please Share Your Best Survival Shooting Tips In The Comments Below Now…


What do you think of when I say the word, “sniper”?

If you’re like most people, you get that mental image of a soldier covered in a camouflage “ghillie suit” ready to pull the trigger on an enemy combatant… a tactical SWAT marksman ready to end a hostage-taker’s stand-off… or a clandestine spy positioned in a window, about to completely disrupt some country’s political system with a single bullet.

But while YOU may not be some state-sponsored covert assassin, have you ever thought about why you SHOULD consider becoming a “sniper”?

If that makes you scratch your head a little, then stand by because in this week’s podcast episode I’m going to share with you 5 reasons every survivalist needs “sniper training”… AND the fastest and easiest way to acquire these skills!

Why YOU Should Start Training To Be A SURVIVALIST SNIPER!

Survival Sniper Training
Never Thought Of Being A Sniper? You Will Now…

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Each week, our rag-tag team of hairy-backed mooks - along with some of the world's top experts - bring you "no B.S." tips, tricks, and tactics to level-up all your skills in tactical firearms training, urban survival, escape & evasion, and close-quarters combat self-defense!

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Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Week’s Episode:

  • Beyond the trigger: Why “shooting” is the easiest part of being a sniper… and the critical OTHER 90% that separates the winners from the losers!
  • Why you DON’T even need a rifle to be a skilled “survival sniper”!
  • Cheap vs. expensive sniper rifles – What’s the REAL difference you should know?
  • Scopes? Plain talk about what to look for without all the “optics nerd” lingo!
  • FREE sniper training?!  Oh yeah!  In fact, LOTS of “freebie sniper skill development” waiting for you in this episode!

Whether you’re currently playing around with long-range sniper shooting skills… or you don’t even own a rifle… this week’s episode has something for all!

Resources Mentioned In This Podcast:

Have YOU Tested Your Hand At Long-Range Sniper Shooting?

Please Share Your Best Survival Shooting Tips In The Comments Below Now…

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