Urban Escape & Evasion Driving Tips: Father Attacked By Gang In Car! - Warrior Life | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat | Tactical Firearms Training | Live Life Like A Warrior

Urban Escape & Evasion Driving Tips: Father Attacked By Gang In Car!

The young husband and father was just minding his own business as he was driving home from work one night…

It was dark out – especially on the remote New Mexican desert road – and he barely noticed the car coming toward him in the opposite lane because its lights were completely off.

As a “common” courtesy, he flashed his lights to let the other drive know he needed to turn his headlights on.

Looking in his rear-view mirror, he saw the car turn his lights on.

But What Happened Next Was Completely Unexpected… And Nearly DEADLY!

Urban Escape And Evasion Driving

The other vehicle suddenly did a split-second U-turn and began picking up speed to close in on the father’s bumper.

Veering into the opposite lane and stepping on the gas, the vehicle pulled up alongside as a passenger in the back seat thrust a handgun out the window and fired at the father who simultaneously slammed on his brakes to avoid a crash (and a bullet)!

Fortunately the other vehicle didn’t pull back around for a second shot and sped off down the remote highway.

This scenario could have spelled D.E.A.T.H. for a loving husband and father who was only trying to be an friendly driver – and is a good example of why YOU need to add “escape & evasion driving” to your survival toolbox…

This was a true story I discovered in my rough “armpit” of a town I lived in during my time in New Mexico where local gangs (we had 4 of them – and they were rough!) ruled the roads.

These gangs would initiate new members by driving around with their lights off.

The first oncoming car that flashed its lights as a “friendly heads up” would become the “target car”.

The gang would circle around and the new member’s role was to shoot at the car…

…no matter WHO was in it!

These are very real scenarios that you MUST prepare for… as well as others…

For example, what if you were:

  • Harassed on the road by a group of thugs on a drunken joy ride?
  • Being chased by a fuming driver on the highway who you mistakenly cut off and he’s trying to run you down?
  • Trapped in an urban area during civil unrest as anarchists stop cars and attack drivers?

Now “evasive driving” DOESN’T mean you have to have a fast car and go to bodyguard school.

In fact, here are 4 tips you can master right now for “escape & evasion” driving skills when you’re being chased by a car full of attackers:

1. “Speed” is not necessarily your friend

The one who survives a high speed car chase isn’t usually the fastest, it’s the one who doesn’t crash.

Watch those idiots being chased by police on shows like “Cops” and those crazy “caught on video” shows and you’ll see that all the police have to do is follow the perp until he wraps himself around a telephone pole and then put the cuffs on him.

In a chase, try not to travel over 65mph to make sure you can handle your car effectively on the turn of a dime.

2. Turn when they can’t

Rather than try to outrun someone, let them get close enough to you and then take a quick, last minute turn in a different direction.

Action is faster than reaction.

If they’re behind you, they won’t be able to respond in time to take the same turn you just did.

They’ll either crash or have to back up to follow you and by then, you’ll be long gone.

3. If on a highway, take a 4-lane exit

If you’re being chased by someone on the highway, identify an upcoming exit and move to the far LEFT lane.

With your pursuer close behind you, make sure you have clearance and at the last minute, shoot across all 4 lanes to barely make your exit.

It will be difficult for them to back up, especially in the left lane against traffic, to follow you.

4. Distract the driver

This is one of my favorite tricks…

If you’re driving at night, reach under your seat and pull out a 2- to 5,000,000 candlepower spotlight. (You can get these from any boating or auto store.)

Shine it behind you at the driver and you’ll instantly blind him.

He’ll likely stop the car out of sheer panic of crashing (which he may do).

These are just a few of the tricks you can use to escape from someone while you’re in your vehicle.

For even sneakier tactics, there’s a whole section on “survival driving” in our “urban escape and evasion” manual you can see here…

It’s loaded with tactical strategies not just for driving, but for dealing with ANY situation where you’re targeted for an attack by a group of people during collapse, riots, civil unrest, and martial law.

Unfortunately, these type of events have become more and more common… and most people have no idea how to survive these scenarios.

Don’t be one of them.

What Other Escape & Evasion Tactics Do You Have For When Driving?

Please Share Your Best Survival Tips Below Now…

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