The End Of Post-Traumatic Stress Is Here TODAY! (Podcast 459)
Michael Cortina has developed a revolutionary new method of healing post-traumatic in a single one-hour session.
Tactical Shooting Tips: 3 Ways To Use Scenario Training For Gunfighting!
Peyton Quinn is a legend when it comes to force-on-force training, and he helped pioneer the scenario training that so many instructors rely on today. Here are three tips he offers for using scenario training to make you a better gunfighter.
Shooting Under Stress: 3 Ways To Prepare For A Close-Quarters Ambush
Most people punch holes in paper targets with their firearms… and not much else. This won’t train you to fight off someone who’s trying to KILL YOU. I talked with Garrett Machine about this recently, and here’s what he had to tell me about improving your gun handling under stress.
MCS 222 – Training “Freeze” Into “Fight”: Stress-Inoculation For Real-World Attacks!
Long before we were all running around in leopard-skin thongs, carrying sharp sticks (concealed of course), we’ve been focused on one single goal…
MCS 164: An Israeli Spec-Ops High-Stress Shooting Drill
What did you see the last time you went to the local gun range?My guess is that it was a line of shooters