Election 2024: A Timeline For Protecting Your Family From Violent Protests, Riots And A World Without Rule Of Law!

“Forewarned is forearmed”, and a new report reveals exactly what to look for as the threats to everyday Americans increase.
The #1 Street Fighting Mistake People Make

People make all kinds of mistakes when it comes to real street fights… but this one is more significant than others.
MCS 314 – Kyle Rittenhouse & Kenosha: Reality Check

Kyle RIttenhouse is now a household name. There are some disturbing reality checks we explore in this week’s podcast when it comes to the Kenosha shooting.
Antifa, Political Protests, And Political Violence: What 70’s Cops Taught Us

Political protests are nothing new. Cops from the 1970’s learned how to deal with street fighting and domestic terrorists. Learn from them to deal with today’s political Antifa threat, among others.
MCS 301 – 10 Riot Escape & Evasion Tips

The country is on FIRE… and a lot of riot defense advice out there is the OPPOSITE of what you should be doing. In this week’s podcast, Jeff Anderson runs down 10 tips for riot escape and evasion that you need to know.
2020 Elections: Trump, Riots, Civil Unrest, Violent Protests, And How To Survive

Look, this isn’t pretty, but you need to hear it: Say you’re out walking with your family. You’ve got your wife with you,